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Currently On Hiatus: Please Enjoy A New Reader Question Every Weekday!

Hello, Goodbye 27: The End

Hello, Goodbye 27: The End published on 36 Comments on Hello, Goodbye 27: The End

And with that, Exchanges comes to an end! It took me two and a half years to tell a story that takes place during one day! Oh, the magic of webcomic time! I hope you liked it! I’m really pleased with this story!

What’s next for Skin Deep? Well, like previous chapter breaks, I will be taking the rest of the month off in order to gear up for the next comic! It will be a short one that I haven’t named yet, but features Merial and Jim!

Every day from tomorrow till the comic starts I will be answering READER QUESTIONS. EXCITING, RIGHT? I’m doing it a little differently this time, though, so I can better keep track of all the questions! If you want to ask me (or a character) a question, send your question to! Be sure to leave your name and/or a website so I can link to you if I answer your question!

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