I couldn’t wait until Tuesday to post the first page of the next comic, so everybody gets to see it a few days early!
Nixie Spit is the name of the new story, and it stars Jim and Merial. Dang, we haven’t seen Merial for awhile! For you continuity buffs, this story takes place shortly after the fourth chapter of Orientations. Summer stays long in Missouri, and it is still plenty hot in mid-September to enjoy the river. Although that doesn’t mean much to Merial, who can enjoy the water just about any time of the year.
I hope y’all like the new story!
Jim is in severe need of a belly rub.
Oh sweet jesus I had to look to find him, he looked liked a giant mossy rock XD
Is he the kind of gryphon that likes belly rubs or is he the kind of gryphon that pretends to like it but then in mid-rub he goes crazy and attempts to sever your hand from its limb by any means possible? (I own both kinds of cats)
He’s the kind that denies it later, but secretly loves it.
It’s not that kitty doesn’t enjoy the belly rub, it’s just a combination of overexcitement and an unrestrained enjoyment of getting rough with your hand. Kitty just needs to be persuaded that this is not a good idea. The traditional method, employed by all mother cats, is to cuff them on the head. If you don’t have an appropriately sized paw, just use a couple of fingers. Bop! Repeat for each clawing/biting offence. Of course, you’ll achieve greater and longer-lasting success if you are able to begin this during kittenhood.
Jim reminds me of that Fat Freddy’s Cat strip where Fat Freddy’s Cat is practicing sleeping positions for the winter. His pose sort of looks like the one called “The Effete Slob”, though not as slobbish. If Fat Freddy’s Cat were around, I’m sure he’d give Jim some pointers. >:=)>
That’s some really good advice, actually. Thanks!
Also, I have to say I love the way the feline characters are portrayed, they really move like real cats (minus wings, etc).
I kind of want to give Jim belly rubs, though. He looks so adorable in full-form. Plus, griffin rides!
Huraaaaaaaaaaaaah! :D I’m so excited! :D
Oh Jim, you are the picture of dignity
Merial actually looks a lot older in this picture than in Orientations.
+1 she looks a bit older
Oh my, Merial, you’re mooning the readers! Naughty Nixie! Naughty! :3 Glad to see them again, though.
at least jim isn’t flashing
Not for a lack of trying, given his position and the anatomy of cats. XP
So, no Michelle?
It’s starring Merial and Jim, so while Michelle will probably make an appearance, she won’t be the main character.
Oh hells yes! 8D
I cannot WAIT for this!
Is that the book she bought in Orientations from the local Avalon place thingy? :3 Plus, love the name of this one. Also… Jim is epic.
im in columbia and it’s crazy that you have so much of this take place in missouri
Columbia! My aunt lives in Columbia! What a great city. : )
That reaction is why I set it in my home state! Missourians don’t get a lot of love in media (outside of St. Louis and Kansas City) and I wanted to change that!
You have never failed to add a note that you love Columbia whenever I’ve ordered something from you yet. ;-9 (I wish I can order ALL THE STUFF like I used to. Man.)
I agree. I love to complain about this state, but if anything, it’s extremely pretty especially around the rivers and such.
…I’m going to end up wanting to visit one of the many riversides around here when this is over, I know it.
I love that you write ‘Mange Tak’ when you send stuff to me :D thanking in people’s first languages is a whole bucket of points, plus a giant cookie for doing it right ^^
I’ve always wanted to visit the more natural parts of the states, and I might actually choose Missouri ^^
Hooray! I would suggest St. Louis, as it is a beautiful city with lots to do and you can drive down historic Route 66 and hit up a lot of neat rural attractions like State Parks and caves! Meremac State Park has a cave called Fischer Cave where they still do lantern tours, and you can take a canoe down the Meremac River! And if you like bizarre tourist attractions, there’s Meremac Caverns, which is an insanely commercialized tourist trap, but a pretty fun one!
Look at me I sound like I work for the Missouri Tourism Board, hah hah.
(I do the same thing, even though I deal with the name a lot.)
This is seriously my FAVORITE web comic. You’re so committed to it too! I am REALLY excited.
WOOT! The withdrawal symptoms are abating…. Thank you!
Hey so Nixies can transform?
You learn something new everyday :D
Nixies can shapeshift their legs into tails and transform others into an aquatic version of themselves with their spit. Details on the wiki.
Is that supposed to be a Kelpie in the book?
Hello! Just wanted to say that I’ve just begun reading your amazing comic – in fact, I read all of it today. xD It’s incredible to see the extent of your improvement throughout the length of the comic, and you can rest assured that I’ll definitely be sticking around for some time more! :3 Keep up the magnificent work. ; v;
If this takes place “shortly after the fourth chapter of Orientations” does that mean that Jim stopped to spend some time laying around a river in the middle of chasing that dragon?
oh wait i need to recheck my own comic.
Okay it takes place DURING chapter four I guess. After Merial buys that book but before the dragon nonsense.
Ru-by Rod! I still love that movie.
*would like to ‘borrow’ the image for the digital frame at work, if that’s ok.*
Yay for new stories.
1) Oh god.. can’t wait for the new story!
2) And more importantly.. really, Ruby Rod?!¿ You are too awesome! I love me some 5th Element! It’s at the top of my list of most favorite movies ever made.
Thank you so much Kory!
I almost mistook Jim’s belly for grass xD clever bugger
This is just great! Thus, the cycle of eargly waiting to see what happens next continues. Keep up the excelent work, Miss Bing!
Being a born Missourian, I gotta say that I love how you’ve kept the scenery with how most of the Show-Me state is geologically. Especially the lovely muddy rivers/creeks. <3
Thanks! I got a little homesick drawing this page, hah hah!
Yaaay, Missouri!
I’m glad we are finally back here. I just reread the earlier parts of Orientation and as rightfully remarked by some it is startling how much your drawing has advanced since then.
I hope we’ll see all the main Orientations cast: I miss Michelle!
Keep it up!
So excited! Can’t wait to see new and old characters!
Clever Jim. Apparently Griffons have camoflauge ;3
Man, all the books are epic, by that I mean books like the Aquatic Transformation and the Felidae.
As much as I hate being here in Missouri (bred, born, and raised), thanks to the weather, my allergies, and this possibly-cursed town, I LOVE the geology around here. The Ozarks are actually pretty beautiful, and cave systems are neat (as long as you don’t slip onto the banks of a bottomless underground lake). It really is pleasant to read things set in the Midwest that aren’t “tornado” or “paddle faster, I hear banjos”. The Dresden Files is nice for that (though I love it for other reasons), and if I estimate correctly the main part of Skin Deep takes place within 150 miles of me. (I’d like to see some urban fantasy that takes place up here in the grassy hills, but they may as well set it in Kansas if that ever happens.)