Huh….How did she get that much clothing on? Did someone else dress her up warm or is the clothing wearing part of the transformation voluntary?
Great outfit on Michelle. Now all she needs is some aviator goggles.
Make it so.
Yay! Now She has pants!
Is that the scarf Greg was wearing in Fiddler’s Cave?
Likely belongs to her roommate. Does appear to be the same article.
Just saw this Q, re-reading the story after seeing the character sheet on Patreon.
It isn’t Greg’s scarf. Greg’s scarf seen in Fiddler’s Cave is tassel ended.
On page 3 of Ridiculous Creatures, you see the ends of Michelle’s scarf, and it has no tassels at all.
Merial’s scarf seen in Fiddler’s Cave has no clearly visible patterning on it.
Her face has lost the humanity almost completely. And yet Sphinxes have human faces, don’t they?
Did wonder about that myself.
“I swallowed a rock” – Amethyst, 2014
Y’know Jim and Amethyst (from Steven Universe) would probably get along rather well. Till one of them breaks something, I mean.
Ha! Rock-landing is an entirely graceful sport!
Huh….How did she get that much clothing on? Did someone else dress her up warm or is the clothing wearing part of the transformation voluntary?
Great outfit on Michelle. Now all she needs is some aviator goggles.
Make it so.
Yay! Now She has pants!
Is that the scarf Greg was wearing in Fiddler’s Cave?
Likely belongs to her roommate. Does appear to be the same article.
Just saw this Q, re-reading the story after seeing the character sheet on Patreon.
It isn’t Greg’s scarf. Greg’s scarf seen in Fiddler’s Cave is tassel ended.
On page 3 of Ridiculous Creatures, you see the ends of Michelle’s scarf, and it has no tassels at all.
Merial’s scarf seen in Fiddler’s Cave has no clearly visible patterning on it.
Her face has lost the humanity almost completely. And yet Sphinxes have human faces, don’t they?
Did wonder about that myself.
“I swallowed a rock” – Amethyst, 2014
Y’know Jim and Amethyst (from Steven Universe) would probably get along rather well. Till one of them breaks something, I mean.