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We’re Back!!

We’re Back!! published on 3 Comments on We’re Back!!

It’s been way longer than I ever expected, but Skin Deep is back! Thank you all for your patience during the hiatus! The wait was long but I am really excited about this new arc, and I think y’all will like it too!

“But where are the reader questions? I didn’t read them all and now I can’t find them.” You can find all the reader questions right here!

You also might notice that the website has gotten a bit of a facelift! The big thing is the new logo! Designed by the incredible Iris Jay! You should check out her work, she’s great!

There have also been a couple other little quality and design improvements as well as a lot of back-end improvements to make this site not feel like it’s made out of toothpicks and wishes. We have my discord mod t3rminus to thank for the site improvements! Thanks, t3rm!!