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Hello Goodbye 3: Pear Shaped

Hello Goodbye 3: Pear Shaped published on 27 Comments on Hello Goodbye 3: Pear Shaped

Happy Valentine’s Day! I made you a Valentine!

I hope you like exposition, because this whole seen is just full of Ike word vomiting all over the place. I figure you guys have been nice and patient with me never telling y’all anything, so I’ll reward you with a little bit of straight-up infodumping. Congrats! You earned it, kids!

Also, if you follow my twitter, you’ll have heard about this already, but I have teamed up with Sfé Monster to bring you a new comic site! It’s called Monster Bones!

Monster Bones will be a bunch of shorter comics written and designed by Sfé Monster and drawn by me! The first comic is from a story called Weird Pets, and if you like Skin Deep I think you’ll like Weird Pets a lot! We’re releasing each comic using the Ransom method, which means we put up a ransom for it, people donate towards it’s release, and when the ransom is paid it will be released for EVERYBODY to read! We’re already over halfway to our goal for the first comic! Super exciting!

And for our wonderful donators, you will all get some nice goodies from us as a “thank you” for your help! Watch the Monster Bones blog for more info on that as soon as we get our crap together and figure out exactly what your rewards should be. But you will have donation rewards!

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