My summer sale is doing so well that I’m extending it FOR ANOTHER WEEK. Get in on these GREAT DEALS on books and Borogove!
My summer sale is doing so well that I’m extending it FOR ANOTHER WEEK. Get in on these GREAT DEALS on books and Borogove!
I love unsound effects. It seems I really love unsound effects done in gothic lettering. It just gives the impression that Gabe is stabbing on more than just a physical level.
what is the bugbear doing ???
Teleporting to the other side of the creature.
I did not know bugbears could do that…
Well Alec did at least the apparition part back on …
Well it fits the the whole creepy vibe they’ve got going…I approve
Woooooo.. Myra is like, now you see me.. now you don’t.. AHHRIGTBEHINDYOU! :-D
That quill-fiend like (after a Diablo monster, sorry, its very similar) looks like it was truly killed (blood in the spear)
And Gabe even has a time for a smoke ^_^
It also looks suspiciously like the porcupine servant of the black queen in the movie “Mirror Mask”.
Didn’t watch that movie – saw a trailer on YT and yes, it has some similarities too. ^_^
anyone else get the distinct impression that Gabe is impressed?
Gabe: *STAB* *calmly lights a cig before engaging his next opponent* (Or maybe he just wants to let Myra have her fun….)
Gabe seems to be an experienced fighter, and he KNOWS there still is the Hellmouth he needs to deal with. I don’t think he’d be idling where he stands if he didn’t consider “Myra might need my help with this one” much more likely than “the Hellmouth might burp up more demon spawn to even the odds”.
So I really like the design of the upside down mouth dog dragon thing. Can that come back later? I think Myra could use a pet!
Hah, I love how in the third panel, myra fading in created those exclamation points over the little imp’s head
Myra has so few opportunities to deploy her fighting skills in fullform. I say let her play. She can always turn it up a notch if more hellspawn appear!
I think that little black demon is actually kinda cute.
[Keeps another box of loopholes at hand] >:->
Don’t fall for it! Half my face is missing because that little monster! I was washing corrosive spit out of my hair for HOURS.
Madam, I’m going to have to ask you to stop teasing the lower demon-spawn.
Can’t touch this. (da na-na-na)
I think Myra is just having fun at this point.
I do like seeying Myra’s glee, but more than that, how Gabe getting the “porcupig” and the speed of that action lets us see just how fast Myra can apparate. I love well thought details like that. :D
(Razzum-frazzum typofingers. I attain a Bachelors in four disciplines, one being English, and STILL errors slink in. Urgh.)
Definitely cools stuff. I was honestly thinking of the critters as a salamander and an echidna,. After all both are real creatures with mythic names.
Myra’s stubby tail is entertainingly cute, and I love the melty effect she has.
Great trick! Also, this one came out on my birthday! :D
I SO identify with Myra here. When one has rage issues, it’s so much more fun and satisfying to tear up an asshole than take drugs to keep calm.