And that’s it! Thank you so much for reading Obverse & Reverse! I hope you liked it! Can you believe the first page of the arc was posted the first day of 2019? My how webcomic time works.
Now that the comic arc is over, I am going to take a big break! A hiatus, even! But don’t worry, I will be running Reader Questions every weekday until the comic returns! Look at the blog post below this for a place to ask your reader questions, they might get answered! Patrons, as always, will get first dibs at asking questions!
How long will the Hiatus last?
I honestly don’t know the answer to that question. I still need to write the next arc, as well as prepare Obverse & Reverse for print, and also do a bunch of summer conventions! It’s gonna be a busy time for me, but that’s why I’m running Reader Questions, so hopefully you won’t get bored while I work on the next arc!
Yes! I will be at SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON NEXT WEEK. If you are going, come by the Topatoco Booth 1229! Keep an eye on my social media for more information! (making maps and getting ready for the convention is one of the things on my list this week, haha.)
Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoy the Reader Questions, and I’ll see you all with the next comic arc!
Yeah baby, she is going to make him a medallion! Cant wait to see human bloodcarver.
It’ was one hell of an arc. Cant wait to see what will come next, but I understand that you will need some time to work on that.
Haha yea. Also looking forward to seeing what kind of design the dragon medallion will have, as well what the half form would be. An entire arc unto itself could be given to Blood off this. As he learns how to live in a human form among the other races. He’s got a lot to earn about the world as it’s so much different now from what Dis Pater would have told him.
It’s amusing how full circle things have come though. Gone from Michelle being the one that was confused about everything involving her true lineage, creatures, medallions, avalon, etc. and now it’s Blood that is going to be living that same thing but in terms of keeping things secret, controlling his temper, technology, clothing, etiquette, etc. And Michelle having developed as a character to be able to grant him the chance and probably be stuck with the others helping him with these things XD
I imagine he will handle it a lot better than she did of course, but still an amusing thought. The council is going to love this if she decides to tell them. LOL
Maybe they could mix in modern metallurgy techniques, or try out new shapes? Maybe hexagon medallions to save on material when poured in a big grid pattern. It’ll be interesting to see what sort of medallion workshop Michelle and friends assemble out of modern(ish) day hobby tools.
it might also be interesting how the process changes if they add in dragon fire for the heating/smelting process.
I think that Blood will be able to adjust more quickly than Michelle simply because he’s more mature. What will be fun to see is a Bloodcarver who isn’t in the throes of depression all of the time.
Foreknowledge makes a big difference. He’ll know what’s happening, and she didn’t. She didn’t even know that nonhuman people actually exist. She had to re-adjust her whole mindset. He won’t.
the thing i’m most excited about is that the rest of the mythical creatures are going to be *super* anxious about a dragon wandering around in human form.
no doubt blood and miche now realize they’re kindred spirits out of step with what mythical beings have become. so it’ll be the apex critters of yore… but inexperienced and a tiny faction trying to impress on the others that there’s another path. heckin’ cool.
The family business resumes…..
I think most of us have been expecting her to start making medallions for ‘Carver and others ASAP, but this looks like she had a sudden epiphany about another way to conceal or disguise him in the short term.
Maybe a novel use of an existing medallion? Something only a sphinx can do?
Kory can keep us on tenter hooks without any piddly cliff-hanger!
It does look like Michelle is using her medallion to do something to Bloodcarver. Maybe an uncontrolled illusion like what liminals are born with if their mother gave birth in human form?
Given that she doesn’t know HOW to make medalians (yet?) I suspect she might just be thinking of passing hers to Bloodcarver. She’d have to be in full-form, but in an avalon, that would be alright, yes?
didn’t she imply in an earlier comic that she had the capability to make medallions? i figured since the magic of the sphinxes was shared among them then that knowledge would ride along with it.
She could give her medallion to Bloodcarver, then learn to make another for herself.
For some reason, I’m picturing something analogous to “Here! Scrunch in under my cloak with me, nobody will notice!”
Which brings to mind Skeeve’s awareness of the “flawless” disguise spells he would cast in Aspirin’s “Mythadventure” series.
How old is Bloodcarver? How old is he going to look as a human?!
My SWAG is that he’ll look like he’s in his 30s or 40s.
That’s the impression I get, balancing youthful vigor with a degree of mature wisdom.
Yes! Yesyesyesyes. Good. Gooood.
Man I love this story!
It’ll be fascinating to see however making medallions works. If say, there’ll be a few duds. And how those might affect someone.
Welcome to Breaking Skindeep. It’s time to metalsmith, Bloodcarver.
Most likely she will make a medallion for Bloodcarver, and who knows for all the other ones who would like to have one, including John :D
Heck, maybe (hope for it!) even being able to fix damaged medallions
I think she will be able to repair and/or replace medallions as needed. Eventually.
If you mean the male harpy, he uses his middle name Anthony even though his first name is John.
If she’s developing the “feel” for medallions that I’m supposing, I have an idea of how her first meeting with Sam may go. …
Also, this good look at her “improved” medallion is interesting. Her subconscious modified it while she was communing with the phoenix egg. The pictured sphinx appears to be asking, “What the crap?!?!”
Took you long enough to see the answer right under your nose, Michelle.
Lets fire up that forge girl, and make some Smithing magic!
First she has to be able to get to the forge.
Hey, Badger!
I threw my two cents into the discussion of medallion materials on RQ2. My hands-on knowledge of metals is a bit limited, so I was wondering what you might have to say on the matter.
I’m going to giggle like a schoolgirl if the next chapter is a ‘body swap’ episode using the medallion. :)
It’s finally happening! Now watch the next arc be something else entirely so we have to wait until that one’s done before we see Bloodcarver’s medallion. XD
Ssh! Don’t give her ideas!
I was just thinking that there might have been something in Wonderland that we need to see.
How about the woods being a temporary hiding place for someone who can’t go un-noticed anywhere else while a medallion is being made? (Possibly with a local guide who can also expect a medallion?)
Part of me wonders if Bloodcarver won’t end up with a janky human form since it is Michelle’s first go at making a medallion. XD
“Hmmmm, looks like we’ll have to make your human disguise’s name ‘Something Something Picasso‘, for credibility’s sake.”
In b4 Michelle just puts a big tarp over Bloodcarver
She is gonna manipulate the Medallion to transform the dragon to look human, isn’t she…
CONGRATULATIONS! Can’t wait for the next arc, but also excited for the Q/A strips for a while. :3
I can imagine Bloodcarver looking like a Chuck Norris type with a large blonde moustache and a good tan.
And scars. Dude’s got plenty of them in his true form.
Maybe more Dolf Lundgren than Chuck Norris.
Or, how about Sam Elliott?
Hm. With all those scars, he may resemble Mad-Eye Moody….
It looks like Michelle has decided her life’s goal is to make new medallions (or repurpose old ones) but no one should expect that process to be fast, easy, or cheap, especially since she’s starting from zero and doesn’t even know how her own magic works.
What about the Bloodcarver’s wife? That’s what I want to know
Yeah, I rather figured that Bloodcarver would get the first dragon amulet. After this, he deserves it.
Excellent chapter end. I’m excited to see Bloodcarver with a medallion.
Ohhhh my Godohmygodohmygod he’s gonna be the first Dragon with a medallion and tbh I am super excited to see his human and hybrid form (I imagine him with a nice mustache)
I’m curious as to what she has in mind. Possibly a medallion. Maybe some other way to make him invisible. Maybe an illusion or something.
I just double-checked the Wiki, and I see that Michelle’s birthdate is listed as 19 September 1985.
‘Carver first eased up to the Avalon dock in September 2005. Odds are, it was early-to-mid-month.
Have they returned quickly enough for the party, or did she spend her 20th birthday in Hell?
Oh boy! I hope this means what I think it means, which is that Michelle has had a sudden epiphany about how to make medallions because I REALLY wanna see what Bloodcarver looks like as a human. I bet he’d look like Such a dork! :3 Hahaha can’t wait!
I also can’t wait to see how Michelle does explaining this to everyone back at the Avalon. “So me and Bloodcarver traveled through the nine circles of Hell together which means we’re bosom buddies now. Also we released a Demon upon earth and she’s maybe halfway to Ireland or the Isle of Man by now? She seems like mostly not an asshole so I wouldn’t worry too much. And finally just an FYI I met with the Dragon Allfather and he wants to BIG TIME kill me or whatever, so hopefully he and his cronies never decide to leave hell. Did you guys know there are hundreds of them there?”
Ok, Ol’ Ivory is the last totem of his kind because there’s at least 1 ivory-billed woodpecker still out there. If that woodpecker were to cross-breed with a compatible species, would that have been enough to keep him alive? Or would it just result in a new type of totem being possible instead?
Are there uncommon Hippogryph’s or is that only a Gryphon trait?
First time commenting but yessssss! So looking forward to the next pages! When Kory Bing is ready, of course!
Love Bloodcarver, I do hope he gets a disguise!
Ready when you are!
Ghah. Ohkay. I’m… finally caught up.
I lost track of this comic in 2011 when my attention span wasn’t the best but… I’m able to follow this all now. I can understand the characters much more deeply than my past self could.
I want to draw my comics and tell my own stories too.
Thank you. I can’t wait to see what comes next for both of us.
I love this comic, except that I speak Spanish and this comic is in English :(
So I have to translate all the texts with an app :)
I think I even learn English by reading this comic! XD
I really appreciate the work on this story a lot! One of the best webcomics I’ve ever read!
I hope my English is not as bad as I think it is :v
I can’t believe I read 15 years of updates in less than 2 weeks +_+
Greetings from Mexico! ;)
Aw, that is so cool! Thank you so much for reading! Maybe some day I can get an official translation for the comic! And your English is very good, thank you so much for commenting!
Just checking in on you to make sure you are good. I have not seen an update in forever.
I’ve been posting a new reader question every weekday, along with periodic updates about the state of the comic! I hope you are reading them!
Hey there are plenty of people who only check here and don’t look anywhere else for information. It would be a good idea to announce your Kickstarter here as a new page! People will see it and know what’s up and you’ll get funded rather than relying on whatever else site you are posting these supposed weekly reader questions. I myself have this page tabbed and I’m waiting for an update here on your main website and I’ll be honest I had no idea you had even launched your Kickstarter until I happened to be on Kickstarter itself and saw your fifth book listed as a recommended ! Please post here so people know you are running a Kickstarter!!
Hey honest question, how are you checking the site? And why did you say “supposed” reader questions? I am updating them directly to, this site you’re on right now. There’s also a Kickstarter announcement in the sidebar of the website. How are you accessing the website in a way where you can’t see either of these things? I try to make the site as accessible to everyone, so knowing how you are accessing the website will help me with that!
Came to check on this comic since 10 or so years ago! Dang has the plot progressed really far!! Now that im a working adult i can do this! (Backs kickstarter)
Of course! I access it by mobile. I have the “latest page” tabbed and that’s how I navigate here. In mobile there are no side bars. It simply gives the title, the orange banner that says currently on hiatus: please enjoy a new reader questions every week. Then I see the page itself, no side bars on mobile though so maybe that’s why I’m missing stuff. It goes into comments under the navigation arrows for the page.
I see looking under the title there is a very tiny menu button and that it has a whole separate place for the reader questions! I had no idea! I’ve been sadly hitting the saved tab and refreshing the page looking at a picture of her face holding her medallion for ever now! Not investigating that menu button is my bad but I swears! I saw no side bars for the Kickstarter through mobile! I do really want these books though! Take my money!!
I hope that helps some!
Like Switchet I just pull up the saved tab and see if the next page button has lit up. No new page then I drop the tab. Today I thought I would scroll thru the comments to see if there was something recent posted.
Yes, now that I actually looked I see the orange banner and the tab so your page is working as coded. I’m also on your patreon but rarely logon to that.
FWIW I suspect there are a number of people like me that simply don’t pay attention to every detail.
I know this is a late reply but hopefully it will help. If you just bookmark instead of… whatever it is you seem to have bookmarked… it will always show you the latest page and the latest information. Kory tends to update on her Tuesday (Aussie Wednesdays). Perhaps this will help you keep up to date. If not, get on the (extremely cheap) lowest Patreon level and you’ll get the latest scoop in your inbox.
Wow I’ve finally got up to date on the exact day a year after the current ahrc finished how’s that for timing
The next ahrc got be something special if the hiatus is this long or just life has happened hope your OK kory looking forward to what comes next :-)
i just binged this whole this after the last qna update. cant wait for this to start up again in october!
Looking forward to reading the story again.