I had a black dog character at some point but that storyline got reworked and I don’t know if it’ll ever make it into the comic! But they do exist.
I’ll be at VanCAF this weekend! If you’re in Vancouver you should drop by! It’s a free show and there will be a TON of amazing artists!!!!!
What about Cwn Annwn?? Do they exist?
Puppy puppy puppy puppy *slowly turns into baby-talk-like gibberish*
Maybe one shows up before you kill off one of your major characters. Well, they could *think* one of them is going to die and you could play that up. Mwah ha ha ha ha ha.
Poor Black Dog. He has a terrible social life.
Years back I hosted sort of a adventure-roleplay thing in an ‘unofficial’ setting. This brought back memories of it, because the antagonist (and one of the protagonists) were Cadejo brothers. The true antagonist turned out to be a Nagual. And a supporting character was a Puca. Wondering if those three could be considered ‘greenlighted’ species. :)
If Puca is another spelling of Pooka, then yes. We’ve already seen one of them walking around in the L.A.
Why would you want anything to do with a Black Dog? So depressing…
A good boy, I’m sure
Ah, yes… The Black Shuck.
Theres this one question i really would like to be answered because its been on my mind for a while:
What does an avalon community do with a nokk that has lost their sanity ( after aging beyond 50 years).
That is a great question .Maybe a specialized tank?
Wait, you mean they’re NOT all bugbears?
There is one question that I would like answered thats been on my mind for a while:
What will an avalon do with a nokk that has aged past 50 years and lost it’s sanity.
He looks even better in a proper suit & tie!