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2020 Reader Question 3

2020 Reader Question 3 published on 16 Comments on 2020 Reader Question 3

Jim has never done anything wrong in his life ever

I would have been at GenCon this week! I miss conventions. If you also miss conventions you can still order stuff from both my Storenvy store AND my Topatoco store! The Topatoco tshirts were going to be my big new cool thing for SDCC and GenCon if you want to order one and get that convention experience! Or you can just reread Skin Deep again!!


Poor Rupert… Jim is just a narcissist.

I was wondering how the magic mirrors work in Skindeep. Are they another example of stable, persistent magic, or do they just toggle on briefly? And do they have a maximum range they work from, or could, say, a family of Wonderlanders take their mirror half-way across the globe on a paleontology expedition and still visit friends and relatives for tea?

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