The last time Merial tried experimenting with her powers she pushed Jim in a river, so he’s not keen on being her guinea pig.
It’s December, which means it’s time for SKIN DEEP PIN CLUB to open again! Join in December and stay on thru February and you’ll get a PHINEAS THE RED pin with an opalescent red mane, and also his best friend RAVI!
Um, Jim? Getting nixiefied doesn’t require the spit to get INTO one’s body …
(… but I admit that that would make it much harder to get it “off” you again …)
Having an indestructible lion for a friend is cheat-mode for avoiding shenanigans. Boooo.
We know that Michelle is the last Spinx, what are some other species that are extremely rare to find that someone actually knows is real
How many others went and quickly looked up “Nixie Spit” again?