Anything that will let Mary take a break is a blessing for her. Those kids were RAMBUNCTIOUS.
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I look at this, and can just imagine there’s judgy people in the mythological community that would clutch their pearls about it being for animallllss the same way some humans do in regards to child leashes.
Ike’s Mom I’m looking at you.
That thing would NOT work for my cat. He’d jump it and just rip it down in some way, my black panther is vicious when it comes to play time with toys.
Oops, this wasn’t meant as a reply
Tbh I always wanted one of those ferret-on-a-ball toys for myself whenever we went into the pet shop so I completely understand
Baby gorgons are blindfolded to prevent them accidentally using their stone gaze but what exactly stops the baby from just taking it off?
My guess is that the stone gaze would work on their own snakes, too, and that the snakes know they have good reason to bite any non-adult hands getting near the blindfold …
I was gonna suggest “FAN TOY”.
One of my cats actually will wiggle her butt without crouching down so it looks like she’s marching her back legs in place.
I look at this, and can just imagine there’s judgy people in the mythological community that would clutch their pearls about it being for animallllss the same way some humans do in regards to child leashes.
Ike’s Mom I’m looking at you.
That thing would NOT work for my cat. He’d jump it and just rip it down in some way, my black panther is vicious when it comes to play time with toys.
Oops, this wasn’t meant as a reply
Tbh I always wanted one of those ferret-on-a-ball toys for myself whenever we went into the pet shop so I completely understand
Baby gorgons are blindfolded to prevent them accidentally using their stone gaze but what exactly stops the baby from just taking it off?
My guess is that the stone gaze would work on their own snakes, too, and that the snakes know they have good reason to bite any non-adult hands getting near the blindfold …
I was gonna suggest “FAN TOY”.
One of my cats actually will wiggle her butt without crouching down so it looks like she’s marching her back legs in place.
Omg this is adorable I love this so much
Also you’re welcome ig :)