I imagine Madam U. having a hissy, low voice and hearing her annoyed “I am BLIND” in my head is making me crack up.
Whoah, weird. I think deep russian accent. Don’t know why…
XD “I am BLIND” is kind of blatantly obvious, now, don’t ya think?
This literally made me lol. I love Madam U.
She IS blind, but she wasn’t allways from what I understand. I would think she still has a favorite color. <,,<
Of course. But she’s stating that it doesn’t matter.
Probably a statement of independence, actually.
“I would rather wear whatever I feel like, rather
than ask if it’s in my color.”
So, apparently, when a person goes blind, visual memory goes very quickly. It seems likely that she wouldn’t have a concept of what colors actually looked like. Check out Molly Burke on Youtube, she’s very open about such things! ^^
Huh…I always thought that she was blind in her “real” eyes, but could perceive through her snakes, to an extent?
She has stated that she can, but she has also stated that they are not as good as her old eyes. They might have trouble seeing in color.
Actually, snakes are just very nearsighted. Most snakes see the entire visual spectrum plus near-infrared. A few can even see infrared *and* ultraviolet. So most species of snake could see a wider range of “colors” than a human.
I imagine Madam U. having a hissy, low voice and hearing her annoyed “I am BLIND” in my head is making me crack up.
Whoah, weird. I think deep russian accent. Don’t know why…
XD “I am BLIND” is kind of blatantly obvious, now, don’t ya think?
This literally made me lol. I love Madam U.
She IS blind, but she wasn’t allways from what I understand. I would think she still has a favorite color. <,,<
Of course. But she’s stating that it doesn’t matter.
Probably a statement of independence, actually.
“I would rather wear whatever I feel like, rather
than ask if it’s in my color.”
So, apparently, when a person goes blind, visual memory goes very quickly. It seems likely that she wouldn’t have a concept of what colors actually looked like. Check out Molly Burke on Youtube, she’s very open about such things! ^^
Huh…I always thought that she was blind in her “real” eyes, but could perceive through her snakes, to an extent?
She has stated that she can, but she has also stated that they are not as good as her old eyes. They might have trouble seeing in color.
Actually, snakes are just very nearsighted. Most snakes see the entire visual spectrum plus near-infrared. A few can even see infrared *and* ultraviolet. So most species of snake could see a wider range of “colors” than a human.