It’s almost like not having a medallion in this world is extremely disadvantageous.
I’m traveling to San Diego today! Ahh I’m nervous about SDCC!
It’s almost like not having a medallion in this world is extremely disadvantageous.
I’m traveling to San Diego today! Ahh I’m nervous about SDCC!
Does that mean if there are more mythicals than available medallions, the children born from medallioned parents are forced to remain human until a relative or one of their parents die? And does this further mean that unless a medallion is already secured for a (future) child its inadvisable/irresponsible to have children at all, since there is a chance the child will either be stuck human or stuck a “monster” and unable to hide as a human?
Geeze louise, Michelle is really gonna have her work cut out for her once she figures out how to start making medallions again.
Yeah, the fact that medallions apparently aren’t in that short a supply – production stopped at/before the end of the dragons/sphinxes war, in medieval times, after all, and with the dragons seeking and destroying the forges, they likely didn’t make a lot of surplus ones – might prove a major stumbling block …
New headcanon: Michelle is not the only sphinx around, the other(s) have continued to make medallions “because someone has to”, but faked them to look “ancient” so as to keep their very continued existence secret even from other mythicals.
I… understand the genetics are kinda magic here, but 50/50 chances – are the genes dominant or recessive depending on the purity of the bloodline?
Human has no Jubjub genes, so jj; Jubjub bird has Jj or JJ.
Children get one gene from each parent:
jjxJj = 50 Jj / 50 jj
jjxJJ = 100 Jj / 0 jj
Unless… JJ magically turns into Jj during gestation?
Or Jj magically turns into jj or JJ with a 50% probability for either. Or we’re talking about a multi-allele trait and the alleles / the proteins they code for do some sort of majority vote not subject to Mendel’s laws …
(FWIW, the “virtually no mixed breeds, the kids will be either the one or the other parental species” rule has previously been established for mixed couples with no humans involved, too.)
It’s been stated canonically that no matter how diluted a hidden mytho’s bloodline is, it’s viable. If they touch an unassigned medallion that covers their mythic species, their inherited human transformation will be lost and their true nature will be revealed. Or, to put it another way: mythic genes are always dominant over human genes except in rare cases. Meanwhile, a child of two mythos of differing species will have a 50/50 chance of being one or the other, with a whole series of ifs and buts that can affect the odds or rule out one outcome entirely, and a very small chance of a hybrid or cross. This means (and I am going to come right out and say it this time) that in wider populations where mythos have been living and marrying, transformed and unseen, since ancient times, they could now be a hidden majority, just waiting to be revealed, and- Will you stop nibbling me??!
Madame U: My serpents are kissing you! I could make so much money!! £u£
Some gryph ideas feel free to do anywhere from all or none hehe but do look up anything unfamiliar they’re all such neat animals!!
Pygmy shrew + bee hummingbird
Colugo + crested pidgeon
Pine marten + pennant winged nightjar
mulgara + king quail
And to get REALLLY weird (and prehistoric)
Trucidocynodon + lessemsaurus (weird horse-like gryph? Dont forget lessemsaurodidae have talonish feet not quite like therapods or sauropods and probably large middle claws on the front feet =3))
Cheers! Love the comic! Hope you learn something interesting even If you aren’t inspired to make these gryphs
I wonder if that was a design choice or a lucky side effect. I could really see it going either way (though from what we’ve seen of sphinxes before Michelle, I bet they’d take credit for the forethought regardless).
“Hidden Majority” is basically the only way for this to at all be sustainable. A Total replacement rate of magical beings, to reflect human reproduction sustainability tfr, would need to be ~2.1.
Which leads to a fascinating potential scenario in which more powerful, generically useable medallions are made and bad actors foist that on the human masses, breaking their seals and causing chaos.
But I suspect that’s more a different genre than what this comic is going for.