Perhaps the most pressing question of the Exchanges storyline has FINALLY been answered!! I’m sure you are all super relieved to have uncovered the mystery of Lorne’s Stupid Hipster Shirt That He Thinks Is Unbelievably Hilarious.
If you want to ask a question, send me a note at and I might answer it!
….I genuinely believe this is how some of my friends end up with the stuff they wear.
I still find the arrow… perturbing. No one should have a… {cough} “Bun” in their crotch. The arrow should be further up. Perhaps it is if one is round in the middle.
Even worn on a pregnant woman the arrow looks like it would be pointing well past the fetus and straight at the crotch. >.<
I love Lorne’s buck teeth. XD
I can imagine Jim wearing that hat on his head just to annoy lorne.
I just figured the shirt was hipster-speak for having a sexy rear, shall we say. Now it makes simultaneously more sense, and less so that he would be wearing one.
I think jim’d buy anything which he could fit outside of big’n tall stores.
It’s so weird to see these guys with human faces.
Also, Jim needs to wear that hat all the time forever.
…I also thought it was unbelievably funny. :C I wished I was a boy just so I could wear one ironically.
I enjoy wearing a shirt that says “Best Dad in the World.” I’m a girl. Makes complete sense to me.
OOOOOH! It’s a pregnancy reference! I get it now. I guess I wasn’t really paying attention because I thought it was some kind of erection joke.
This isn’t actually any less ridiculous.
Don’t worry, I was thinking, that “bun” refers to his buns a.ka ass ^^’
Jim’s googly eyes
I love this one for a lot of reasons, but mostly it’s because it’s such a good example of their personalities and their friendship. Because a good friend tells you to put that back but a BEST friend tells you to buy it and wear it in public.