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Greetings From Dogpatch 32: Vanquishing Hellbeasts

Greetings From Dogpatch 32: Vanquishing Hellbeasts published on 19 Comments on Greetings From Dogpatch 32: Vanquishing Hellbeasts

I’ve got some irons in the fire right now! Here’s a little list of what’s going on:

The Losing Altitude Kickstarter: When this is funded I’ll be doing a drawing for the book! I would like to do the Ivory Billed Woodpecker, but if someone has already called dibs it will be another sweet birdy. I love birds!


What Do You Do With a Baby Seal is still being ransomed! It’s 75% funded and 5 pages have been posted! Donate to get a copy of the PDF and help unlock the rest of the pages for the public!


Myra, you make happy look positively evil….. in the best way of course…

Gabe, your people skills are need some polishing….. as usual

Marshall, any moment now you will wish you did not have an answer to your question…

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