I’ve got some irons in the fire right now! Here’s a little list of what’s going on:
The Losing Altitude Kickstarter: When this is funded I’ll be doing a drawing for the book! I would like to do the Ivory Billed Woodpecker, but if someone has already called dibs it will be another sweet birdy. I love birds!
What Do You Do With a Baby Seal is still being ransomed! It’s 75% funded and 5 pages have been posted! Donate to get a copy of the PDF and help unlock the rest of the pages for the public!
His feathers constantly getting ruffled is so cute X3
. . . Sweet. More please. ^_^
Myra, you have passed Grimalkin on my badass list.
Myra smiling disturbs me greatly.
Which, for some reason, I like.
Oh crap, it’s the Sarlak!
Ooh…uh…Hellmouth! With teeth!
Also, I wondered when Myra would take off her eyepatch!
I think Marshal is getting very close to officially disliking Gabe.
Gabe: “A large unkindness of ravens perhaps?”
Marshal: *glares at the hellmouth*
That I would imagine Mr. Marshal.
Oo-er! Inferna Dentata – I mean, Hell’s Teeth! I’d tell Gabe just to hurry up and get on with it… but fools rush in where angels fear to tread. >:=)>
Much better than my original thought, vagina dentata…
Myra, you make happy look positively evil….. in the best way of course…
Gabe, your people skills are need some polishing….. as usual
Marshall, any moment now you will wish you did not have an answer to your question…
An unkindness of ravens.
A murder of crows.
I learned a new term today.
Boy, linguists and the superstitious are REALLY not fond of black birds, are they?
With the “Losing Altitude” kickstarter I’m glad to see that there’s information listed for conservation groups, but does any of the money at all go to them?
Myra looks so very happy to be there.
Why does this give me the feeling the Myra would be right at home in an arena bashing things faces in? Damn, I can’t wait for the action to start.
Dear Angel, thank you for explaining me my job!
Any chance of a Myra plushie…? :D