And we’re back! I got restless so I’m updating a day early! I hope to keep chugging along with Skin Deep through my conventions and shipping Borogove, but there’s a chance I might miss and update or two during the run, but I really want to have Skin Deep updating during my conventions!
Speaking of conventions! I will be at Furry Fiesta this weekend! If you’re around Dallas stop by! It will be your first chance to get Borogove (which I didn’t plan on, I had hoped the Kickstarter backers would have their stuff already, but I SHOULD get them the week after Furry Fiesta I BETTER GET THEM). Magnolia will be there too, helping me out and selling Monster Pulse merch! Come by!
So I see this. Freak out. Rush to your store to snatch a Borogove deck before it’s too late and everybody else takes them all because I was silly and missed the kickstarter… And see that it’s still coming soon. XD Glad I freaked out over that.
Oh no, sorry! I still haven’t physically received the Borogove cards yet, but I’ve been promised that a box will be at Furry Fiesta for me!
I’m really excited about the early update. I also appreciate your candid honesty about what to expect during conventions. There are web comic artists who tell their readers nothing at all. Thank you!
She should totally keep that box. It must do *something* if it kept the Medallion’s magic from working on the hidden sphinxes (like Michelle’s dad) who put their fingers near the glass.
The magic equivalent of lead-lining?
Don’t quote me on this, but I am fairly certain you have to be physically touching the medallion for it to work.
Michelle had it in her pocket (or something) all day before she put it down and turned (plus it’s resting on her shirt right now, meaning it definitely works through at least clothing), so it still affects them if it’s near, apparently.
I remember reading a question about this somewhere but I can’t remember if it was on tumblr or twitter or formspring or what. (KORY I STALKS YOU.)
I’d assume touching worn clothing would count as direct contact, especially given that the spell actually affects clothing as well as the actual person.
I think it takes physical contact to start with. After that, proximity is enough.
Keeping the medallion sealed in its case would be bad enough, dealing with adults; they must have it secret from children. Just picture it:
“Remember, Junior! DON’T TOUCH the medallion!”
Great Strip for the return!
Michelle’s expression changes between frame 7 and frame 9 is so well done we just have to laugh at her look and response…..
Also sort of glad that you were champing at the bit to put out this first update as much as we were to see it.
I’m a longtime lurker/neverposter who fixes computers and video game consoles for a living, and if there’s anything left of your old backup drive I’d be overjoyed to help you get your data back. I don’t have access to a clean room, but any normal computer repair tool I’ve got.
Meanwhile, here’s a Nixified Eleanor! (nah, not really, but the resemblance was there)
Whoop. You got an extra ‘u’ in ‘would’ on panel three.
Oh thank you! I will fix that asap. : )
Sphinx powers activate! No? Nothing? (slinks off to find manual)
Have fun at Furry Fiesta! :) I’ve sat their dealer’s den and artist’s alley both and it was fun. Alas, I was in Dallas just last weekend. Oh, cruel fate! Is there any chance you might post your con schedule for the next few months?
Where can I buy a deck of Borogove cards?
I will make a HUGE announcement as soon as the Borogove cards are up in the store for everybody to buy! : )
*fanscreams in pillow*
…Thank you very much for your comment.
Great update! Plot advances, tension continues, more questions present themselves–Wheee!
Also, it looks like Michelle’s sphinx-face is getting smoother and easier for you, and once again, the expressions are all so well-done!
ಠ_ಠ Michelle, where are your pants?
:D I love this. YAY! It’s back! …What’re you up to, greg?
Skin Deep is back! Awesome!!!
Is she balancing on two legs?
What, haven’t you ever seen a cat do that? Mine do it all the time. Also, I’m fairly certain she could use her wings to help out with balancing.
No I had not. (no cats of my own.)
I’m pretty sure she’s just sitting on her haunches here.
Oh gosh, I think you’re right.
Maybe it would be easier to open if she changed back to human for a moment :P
I love the look on her face when she’s trying to do something, but nothing happens.
Is she not changing back into a human to open the box because she’s more comfortable in that form then in her human form? Also, does she think she has magical powers in her sphinx form? Heck, does she have any magical powers at all? Plus, does she also feel the need to spout riddles? (I’m sorry if she feels that last question might be inappropriate to ask a sphinx?)
She does have magic powers – you need to go back and read from Orientations.
Ah ok. I took the time to reread the beginning and now I understand. Heck, its cool to reread it and see how the the whole thing has evolved. Cool stuff. Keep it up Kory!
Am I crazy, or does Michelles Mom look even more like a Sphinx than Michelle? Especially Panel 6 and 8! Se plot it thickens, me thinks. Ohhhh Yes!
I love the story and art…. But why are the sphinx faces slowly getting more distorted? In all sphinxes(Egyptian, Etruscan, Indian, and the single Greek version) the defining trait is that they are beasts withthe faces of *human beings*… making them trapped between man and beast, serving gods or protecting sacred places, their human traits gave them the distinction as touched by magic and divinity. They are guardians and protectors made more fearsome by their diplaced humanity… I love artistic interpretation, and everyone should have their own take on these things, but I also really liked that Michelle looked like a traditional sphinx in earlier versions, and not like a lion-faced creature with a humanish nose…I still love the art, i know people’s style changes as they draw their characters, I just really wanted to know why the choice to make the sphinxes faces more and more distorted? There are already nemean lions and griffins, she is sort of slipping into obscurity if she is too lionish, she will look much like the other races. You are very gifted with expressions and storytelling! I don’t mean to criticize your talents… Just wanted to know what was going on with the style changes here, if you are consciously moving your sphinxes into more and more lionish territory or if it is something that is sort of evolving as you define your characters.