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But… But she DOESN’T! Wrong kinda Sphinx!

Hey, Greg can finally take his hat off. That’s worth something too, right?

Too true. I just flipped through the entire beginning of the thing to find a picture of him…Oo he doesn’t have wings!

Well since with a medalion one can appear between Full Form and Human, perhaps his choice of half form is without wings, Feathers require a lot a preening to keep in good flight condition you know. (Is there such a thing as 3/4 form?)

In her dream state, he does look very much like an egyptian sphinx whereas Michelle looks more like a Greek Sphinx.

You (or rather Sfe) were absolutely right to cut off the page at those panels. That last line makes for a far more effective cliffhanger than the face would have been.

Not that the Michelle face wasn’t bad, mind you.

Sorry but I have to disagree. Kory your instincts were right. The strip would have been better with the extra frame. Momma Jocasta drops a bomb shell and the expression on Michelle’s face is the explosion! The cliff hanger is where are all the pieces going to land. And Kory, that look on Michelle’s face says so much. I think The BrigeedaRocks position is probably more oriented toward the story, whereas I am very much into the character Michelle.

Excellent story twist Kory!

So the mom knows about her husband being a sphinx? Aw i would love to know that I was on the right track with her dad making medallions. XD Love the work as always keep it up!

That would make an incredible story twist but I think there might be another plausible explanation. If he was full sphinx, no other kinds of parents, and Michelle is only half spinx, assuming her mom was full human, then perhaps without the illusion Michelle shares substantially more features with her dad than she did with the illusion; and with the illusion she shares more features with her mom.
After all with Jim and Blanche’s hair colors we know some characteristics of the real form bleed over into the illusion, mom could just see more of her husband in Michelle’s real form than with the illusion.
It would also fit slightly, if her mom did not know and thought she was going crazy she would find it incredibly weird to see her husband in the delusion.

Though I would still bet on what you said, it seems more likely Kory would go that route :]

I love how her mother ages so much in about two seconds. It’s amazing what’ll happen when too much happens at once.
I kind of figured that something like this was going to happen. Either this or the heart attack.
Also, you still are amazing at drawing Sphinxes.

She probably also spontaneously developed a half-dozen institution-worthy mental disorders. *If* Kory was a total bastard and the series was much more depressing this event would break Mama Jo, and her “you look just like Michael” comment would be her first blissful steps into total denial, where she’s seeing her “baby” rather than the crazy cat lady.

Am I the only one who was waiting to see the cat’s reaction to Michelle going all cat-bird monstery?

Brilliant page though Mrs. Bing. Those last two pages are heart wrenching. Can’t wait for the next page!

Oh, my! I forgot all about the kitty. I think it would depend on the cat’s temperament. Maybe he/she would see Michelle as: a) Another giant kitty. b) A giant bird to eat. Or c) A big, freaky cat-bird monster to run away from.

Oh, I forgot about the cat, too!
I would like to add d) complete indifference (provided Michelle smells the same as human or sphinx, from the cat’s point-of-view, er, point-of-smell?)

Mom only reacted that way when she saw the real form. And she had an interesting expression when she asked if it was a dream. Perhaps Michelle isn’t the only one who got dream visits, the memory triggered with the sphinx in front of mama.

She knows. Well, there we go. But she still looks seriously shocked and unhappy. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what this means… but I simply cannot resist and will do so anyway. >:=)=)>

The sphinx has returned to her native land, and now confronts her mother on the banks of denial. Denial is deep and wide and will be difficult to get past, if the sphinx can manage it at all. In fact, denial appears to be getting stronger; we may even get to see denial flood, forcing the sphinx to take flight, and bearing her mother away to lunacy.

>:=)PUNS AWAY!!!)>

Oh, and may you have good fortune and steady arm muscles at the tattoo studio, Kory and Ben, and straightforward healing thereafter.

As much as I love everything about this comic, especially all the character design, I’ve always felt Michelle should be larger in fullform. >> It’s probably just me, but she seems small for a lion-bird-monster.

It seems like a good size to me. I don’t think she should be bigger than Jim, that would just seem off to me. I think if she has a mostly human like head then that should be about the same size, we don’t want big head Michelle after all, and everything to me seems proportional to that. The idea of small physical form with large magic abilities would also be a good trope to use here.
But if I recall correctly Kory does female sphinxes as Greek sphinxes and males as the wingless Egyptian type. Perhaps the males would be physically bigger? Even though Michelle is just a kid in Issue 1, Page 15 it looks like her dad even if not larger looks heavier rather than the leaner Michelle.

I could see it coming. Mrs. Jocasta HAD to know. When two people are that in love (and I get the impression they were) you can’t keep “I’m really a big lion-bird monster thingy” a secret. This is going to go well. And I agree with deleting the last panel. The page had to end with “you look just like Michael.”

this is so freaking cool!! i had a feeling that her mother knew about her husbands secret… like think of it, HOW DID HER FATHER KNEW ABOUT THE SPINX THINGY!!! where would he get the medallion from in the first place??? so she had to know in case something as such appeared!!! :3 but of course wasn’t told the dirty details of HOW that was going to happen or if it was going to be moved to the next of kin :P BAD Micheal

I cannot express how awesome Michelle’s lion faic is. And Michelle lion in general.
Her sphinx form is awesome sauce.

And also mom is having a freak out. D: (though I wonder if when she gets over it she’ll go OIDNOISCNIUNCIUDNC JESUS CHRIST ITS A LION or UGUUU SO FLUFFY. I cannae imagine Daddy Jocasta as fluffy, if he came out at all. She may just be referring to the facial structure thing.)

I like the way you depict sphinx Michelle. Such a beautiful blending of female human and feline facial features. There’s no doubt you’ve done a huge amount of experimentation to get just the right result. Have you done a highly detailed rendering that you can share with us? Or perhaps it already exists somewhere among these webpages?

Uhhh, Guys, …..
Has it ever been established anywhere that the name of Papa Jocasta is Michael. Michael could be some other sort of relative, could he not??? Maybe a child instutionalized because he was deemed to be a deformed monster. Mama Jocasta’s first husband, etc. etc. Mama Jocasta has seen a sphinx before, but she had no idea what Michelle was talking about. Having seen one in a dream is plausable but not the only possible scenario. Having seen a sphinx somewhere somehow but not making the connection to what Michelle was describing would indicate that whatever sphinx she saw she did not know about it running in familes or did not understand about the ability to transition between apparent human and full form.

You mean besides his page on the character listing under the Orientation cast page? Near the bottom, name being exactly”The Shade of Michael Jocasta” but, thats just the “character” given’s official name, its literally the shade, a memory, of Michael Jocasta.

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