Welp that explains the momos behaviour…its undead e.e;
Is it weird that I think the demon guy is kind of hot in the forst panel?
Not at all.
Somebody mentioned it wandered around like a zombie
Can’t tell if The Bloodcarver is without honor, or if a deal was merely implied a la the Gentry, or even if the demons declared their side of a deal (which was never confirmed) when given an order.
So both the dragon’s ‘father’ and the demon’s ‘mistress’ want the sphinx.. to do spirits-only-know what to her… I don’t think it’s her fashion sense! This does not bode well…
Did Bloodcarver shrink? In the flying scene he was so big that his paws could completely envelop Michelle and his tail was longer than Jim’s massive fullform. Here his paws are only a couple feet long.
Welp that explains the momos behaviour…its undead e.e;
Is it weird that I think the demon guy is kind of hot in the forst panel?
Not at all.
Somebody mentioned it wandered around like a zombie
Can’t tell if The Bloodcarver is without honor, or if a deal was merely implied a la the Gentry, or even if the demons declared their side of a deal (which was never confirmed) when given an order.
So both the dragon’s ‘father’ and the demon’s ‘mistress’ want the sphinx.. to do spirits-only-know what to her… I don’t think it’s her fashion sense! This does not bode well…
Did Bloodcarver shrink? In the flying scene he was so big that his paws could completely envelop Michelle and his tail was longer than Jim’s massive fullform. Here his paws are only a couple feet long.