Reader questions! Today’s question comes from Eximplode!
Honesty though, don’t think too hard about it ’cause then you get into weird things like “oh hey that couple is comprised of a giant quadrupedal bird monster and a tiny deer human” and I don’t know about you but I don’t really want to think of the logistics of that at all.
However, today you get to see Jim’s parents, Jim’s Uncle Paulbert and late Aunt Nancy, and Abbie’s parents Aeron and Meg. Apparently I think all women should wear glasses I guess.
… Is it weird that I kind of enjoy that you have a character named Megara? I know it’s technically not the same name as mine, but I am still pleased. This is a dumb comment.
This is an excellent comment and I love every part of it.
Awwww! Abby’s dad is adorable!
Also, on your formspring, you mentioned the story taking place 7 years before use of full-body scanners. I have no idea what your plans for future storytelling might involve, but Britain only has one or two of the scanners. Their research didn’t find them to be effective, so they’re now boycotting them. Again, no idea if you’ve got plans for a 2010 storyline, but it does give monsters a bit more freedom in Britain than the States.
Don’t the people have some underground ways to get where they want to or some strings they can pull so they are not discovered. On the other hand. “hey I saw a big lion bird thing in the scanner” But you look like a human. i think it’s broken.
Awww, Abbie’s parents are the best. She get her freckles from her dad! :D
We know too much! D:
(too late, I’m thinking about it…)
Hey Kory – How many types of saytrs are there? Am I seeing tons of different species or them just using their medallions differently?
Is reverse aging magic possible, or are there any monsters/species that go through reverse aging?
Oooooh, this talk of scanners makes me think of something!
@ Caelean supposedly Pheonix’s are reborn from the ash when they die thats sort of reverse aging i just had a thought >.> would that happen to that pheonix guy we saw during the tunnel making?
I thought Ike said mixed breeds were uncommon though…
They are. The offspring of a mixed couple usually come out the same species as either mom or dad, not a mishmash of both like Ike.
That’s ’cause womer who wear glasses are just THAT awesome.
And sexy. Veeeeery sexy XD