If you’re in the PDX area this weekend, you should come on down to Books With Pictures on February 2nd for a BOOK LAUNCH PARTY!! (click for more info)
I’ll be there! I’ll be selling my books there! I’ll have my DOG there! I’ve never done a Book Launch before and I’m really nervous!
That went better than expected!
Into the timeout ball with you!
man, Bloodcarver is really bad at like… not kidnapping people…
I’m now imagining him going somewhere and just looking down to find a sack of stolen people he just randomly picked up with out thinking, like when you scratch an itch without thinking of where you are or where it is
So basically a kleptomaniac specialized on people?
“Hey, Bloodcarver, back from that grocery run?”
“Yeah, I picked up… ah, heck.”
“Forgot the milk?”
“No, I kidnapped half a dozen people.”
“Ah. You really need to sto-”
“Argh, AND I forgot the milk!”
hey, uuh, grab me a glass of malk
Greg meant to do that. *nods*
Then it worked very well.
Wow, Taylor called it
Bloodcarver: (having just pokéd Greg into the red ball with Michelle) Gotta catch them all… *exit and exeunt*
Rebecca Sugar: (watching from concealment) What the…? Was that a dragon?? Did it just kidnap some people? What should I do??? What does one do about… dragon kidnap? And how did it make that rosy-coloured bubble that it stuffed them into?? Maybe… I should just get some of this down. *gets out sketchpad* *sketches bubble, captions it “ROSE” with an arrow* *sketches hairy guy in bubble* …And what did she call him…? *captions hairy guy “GREG”*
LOL re. “pokéd” – just what I was thinking. “Yay, another one for my poké collection!”
@KoryBing: I just got my book and it’s so gorgeous!!! :-D
Greg used “Pounce.” It was not very effective.
Into the Poke ball he goes. Gotta catch ‘em all!!!
I called that they would be sharing the bubble alright. Different comedic timing, though.
That went about as well as it could have possibly gone for Greg.
Bloodcarver looks so done with this shit already, and it’s only page 5.
I love, love, love the expressions on this page.
Well, that was stupid.
And it looks like Bloodcarver agrees. (BTW anyone else having trouble with their comments being held back through moderation, or is it just me?)
And it looks like Bloodcarver agrees. (BTW anyone else having trouble with their comments being held back through moderation, or is it just me? I don’t know anyone personally so having my comments deleted without explanation is kind of a shock.)
He’s like grrr, you’re telling me that was stupid?! Now I have to take you too. *grumble*
UHM. Is this where we get to see the man Bloodcarver called ‘master’ in Orientations? I hope so! I have theories
Bloodcarver looks so annoyed, like “Fine, if you want to give me more work focusing my magic to keep two people alive in the ocean, be my guest. I’m honestly just tired at this point”
“This is not how I wanted my day to go. We were going to have a nice talk, maybe get some food, and now I’ve kidnapped two people and vandalized a dockfront railing.”
Where’s Stanley?! Isn’t he big enough to protect the Avalon riverfront?
Well … no Stanley in sight, and it looks like the basin has an always-open exit. Makes one wonder whether Stanley has a part-time job or two with *other* waste disposal dpt.s … ;-)
I’m actually kinda worried about Stanley. I hope her absence means she had enough sense to go “Oh s**t, a dragon! HideHideHide” … as opposed to Bloodcarver going “Well, this annoying critter could be a problem” and SnapCrunchGurgle … RIP Stanley …
There *do* seem to be streaks of red in the basin’s water in the last panel ……. 8-C
(… or are those *brown*!?)
Well most likely the latter little thanks to the poor maintenance of British septic systems and their penchant for dumping everything into the waterways.
I believe the red-and-brown streaks in the last panel, with the rippled effects on the water around them, is Bloodcarver having slipped below the surface once again, guests in tow; whether they’re willing guests is up for debate, mind, but they’re his guests at this point none-the-less.
There may be a large WATER bubble sitting in a vacant lot somewhere with a nervous Stanley inside.
He is like, fine I’ll take you too.
I love how Greg is almost perfectly straight as he’s inserted into the bubble.
what got me laughing was his face as he was torpedoed into the bubble
Real smart there, Greg. Now who’s gonna go tell everyone that Michelle got kidnapped by a dragon again?
Does Bloodcarver swim like a dog, or like a bat??? Important question.
More like a fish. Tails are great for that after all.
I dunno if tail muscles are strong enough to move a large quadruped with wings? Especially if not adapted for swimming.
Probably waving the whole body like a fish on top of it. I don’t remember if his tail is finned but his ears are. and his wings could be used to help increase momentum as well. its what i would do.
That last expression of Bloodcarver’s: “Godsdammit, I am SO going to get my ass chewed over this…..”
Also: Where is Stanley? She should be being a Good Girl and biting the hell out of the giant red invader of her territory!
Well Stanley is intelligent after all and intelligent monsters do not bite things bigger and tougher than themselves or those that have you as a menu item.
“Now for the next step of my rescue plan….. which is…. ummm…” *smacks lips a few times* “… Yup-puhhh.. GIVE ME A MOMENT I’M STRATEGIZING!”
“Another fine addition to my collection.”
is that a star wars reference?
He’s like grrr, you’re telling me that was stupid?! Now I have to take you too. *grumble*
Why are my comments showing up as “Awaiting moderation” when everyone else’s post is being allowed. I don’t know why I’d be blocked. Have I done something wrong?
And now they’re bubble buddies.
Kory you will do fine. Remember we will all be there beside you. If not in person then in spirit. We will always have your back. And here’s a hug to help you feel better.
Am I the only one who though blood carver was not wanting to take him but just decided fine I’ll grab you just so you don’t drown.
The dragon looks so pleased things went like they did to this point. Much someone would be pleased to be cozy in bed and realize they have to leave it to turn off a light or use the bathroom.
The snark is strong in this one.
*guy tapping his temple meme* Your plan can’t fail if you didn’t have a plan.
Erm… so what’s up with the distortion around Bloodcarver’s hand in panel 3? That’s the sort of distortion one usually sees around a medallion activating…
His right hand is holding the bubble, and his left is holding Greg.
His right hand looks distorted since it’s being looked at through the bubble, and water.
The fingers and claws of his right hand look normal where they are over the top of the bubble.
Yeah, the right hand being viewed through water and the bubble, I get. I should have specified that I meant his left hand. Those don’t feel like motion lines to me.
I assume it’s just motion lines trying to convey the rapid motion of throwing Greg into the bubble.
Bloodcarver swims off under the water, and all I hear is…
*Buh-duh-dah duh-duh-duh-duh dah
Buh-dah-dah duh-duh-duh…* etc.
We’re gonna need a bigger boat ….. Any chance that the Musashi was saved and modified for just such an occurrence in this reality?
“Argh, I have so had enough of this shit. Look, you pair of idiots, what part of ‘Pssst!’ and ‘Sssh!’ when I first poked my head up gave you the impression that I wanted to do anything but talk WITHOUT ANYONE ELSE KNOWING ABOUT IT? You had to go and panic so I had to quiet things down and that means you two are bubbled. Now, are you going to SHUT UP AND LISTEN or do we need to sit here at the bottom of the dock for another hour or two until you calm down enough to use your heads?”
“UGh I guess I’ll take the goat to..”
”Goat: The goat is a metaphor for your state of peacefulness. When your goat is with you, you are calm and collected. When your goat is stolen, you become angry and upset.
Notes: Getting someone’s goat can not be a quick process and must be done by not being directly mean. The best way to get someone’s goat is by means of clever annoyance.”
-Courtesy of Urban Dictionary. Seemed a fitting definition for this. ;D