Lily is a glaistig that is obsessed with bugbears. Dean is a borz that likes to watch Lily do ridiculous things.
I don’t have much else to say about that.
Lily is a glaistig that is obsessed with bugbears. Dean is a borz that likes to watch Lily do ridiculous things.
I don’t have much else to say about that.
I love Lily’s expression in the third panel. It makes me think of Reagan from Templar, Arizona.
Bugbears can go anywhere? Wha?
Never heard of a Borz before but I’m liking this one :)
Maybe…hmmm…a charm for tricking the sense of a Bugbear?
Wow. The way Lily makes it out, bugbears would be capable of taking over the world if they could only be bothered. I’ve a sneaking suspicion that the truth lies somewhere between Alex’s bugbear abilities, and her abilities as an organiser. As for the talisman, she hasn’t even considered the possibility that it might give bugbears power over her, or might actually be an ancient beacon to all bugbears in the vicinity to prank, harass and otherwise incommode the possessor without let or mercy.
I imagine they could, if they all weren’t such anti-social buggers what hate each other as badly as anything else and would loath actually running the dump once they had it.
That sounds like exactly the kind of thing they would do, from what I have seen.
And I’d say that Lily more resembles King Pellinore, in perpetual, shambolic pursuit of the Questing Beast. She’s even got a hound dog with her, ready to get tangled up in the chase. >:=)>
Huzzah! A “Once and Future King” reference. Here and I thought I was the only person who’d read it (that wasn’t made to for school or something).
Hey, long time reader here. :3
Lots of loves. ;F
Also, borz is badger in hungarian, yaaay. :p
I’m terrible at commenting, lol. :<
haha! Wekk, he looks less of a borz and more of a farkas to me ;)
Borz is also wolf in Chechen.
lol, methinks you had a lot of fun drawing the faces in this one ;)
I agree the faces are so especially well done this time. Love the expressions. And I’ve completely fallen in love with this comic recently, thanks to a good friend that introduced me to it. Very likely my favorite so far. (Though I tend to be magic and fantasy biased)
My call – that is Hyde.
Oh, man, Lily–I love her already!
xD Yet another amazing comic. I can tell already! This is gunna be awesome :3
why do i have the subtle feeling that the talisman will get her pranked in the end? or all the time, rather?
Ok, it’s only a couple of pages in and already I’m loving Lily. XD
Oh lordy, Lily’s expressions are amazing. XD Also, I daresay that is the most fascinating hair I have ever seen.
I know that everyone seems to be talking about Lily and her hair and expressions, but can we stray from that and discuss Dean’s SIDEBURNS because I seriously need to touch them. o_0
Like, seriously guys.
I like sideburns.
Haha, I can’t wait to see her get spectacularly pranked.
somewhere deep inside of me, my yearn for missouri just sighed…
“Go anywhere” may have been a nod to the extensive use of bugbears in old edition random encounter charts, no matter what the terrain or the depth of dungeon… I personally am waiting on an Ochre Jelly Donut, or else a Black (blood) Pudding, for breakies of course =P…
Arthur didn’t go on the Grail Quest.
His knights did, and things started going to crap because of that.