Additionally, medallions are responsible for making modified clothes look normal when human. If the shirt is removed when human it would revert back to its “real” look when disconnected from the wearer, since it wouldn’t be connected to the medallion magic anymore.
I’m at Further Confusion this weekend! If you’re in San Jose come stop by! Booth 114!
Not a question per say, just wanted to thank you for getting me looking up heraldry and the like. Learned a lot. Heraldic panthers are hilarious, by the way. They could almost pass for a Wonderlander.
The level of thought that goes into this comic is pretty amazing.
Thanks very much Kory, for answering my RQ on removing midform modified clothes while in human form
Hence Michelle complaining about having to cut up her shirts. I bet it’s a bit strange on laundry day.
Oh, nice! Thanks for answering my question, and for the additional info!
Would this help answer the question about casts? RQ 22 Feb08, 2012
Have any true form born creatures refused receiving a medalion? And if so why?
Are any of the characters Jewish?
Kory, love the huldr last entry! With the clothes entry, I was thinking… Would you consider doing a fashion show with all the mythics from the Reader Questions?
Are there any diseases that only affect Mythical Creatures?
Guys let’s give Kory some breathing room here. She is working hard and trying to answer most of our RQs and I bet she would also like some time to rest and also a hug from us all so here is mine Kory.
You are awesome Kory.
What is the oldest mythical race that still exists in the Skin Deep universe? Does each race have their own creation story/myth or do they all have a common origin? For example, did all pterripi (spelling?) originate from Pegasus who sprang from the severed head of the Gorgon, or was he just an outlier?
Perhaps mythics came from some ancient hoary old god that got bored with simple animals and decided to throw a little magic into the mix and “see what happens”? *cough* *cough* Ravi *cough*
Once upon a time I was trying to make webbed shirts for a stegosaur to wear. Until I realized, wait! The back story for my dinosaur people doesn’t involve being created by humans! They’re going to develop their own clothing aesthetic from scratch!
See, I don’t get it- Aren’t the Midforms entirely a product of magic? Wouldn’t the medallions just modify the regular human clothes to accomodate the Midform, like how they seem to make the clothes vanish entirely when going Fullform?
I mean, after all, any form that isn’t their ‘base’ mythical form is technically magically created, right? So they’d have to tailor for, say, Selkie bodies, or Gryffin, or Harpy.
You know you’ve got a point there. Hey Kory what do you think?
Annoying that I missed this reply at the time.
You’re only thinking of what happens to clothes that are being worn in human form, when a Mythical changes to midform or full form.
What you overlooked is putting on clothes when already in midform. Those clothes need to be already physically altered to suit midform.
Didn’t michelles wings tear holes in her shirt when she turned, even though her pants re-appeared intact when she returned to human form?
‘Course they could always just wear ponchos.