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The Monster’s Loose page 12

The Monster’s Loose page 12 published on 42 Comments on The Monster’s Loose page 12

We’re back! Sorry for the extended wait, I moved for the first time in 13 years! Thanks to everyone who stopped by at FC and said hi! Skin Deep should be updating regularly for the foreseeable future! Hooray!

Oh look there’s a second floor to the Underground! Where is our mysterious man going? Probably to get a beer, I’m assuming.


Ah so that’s NOT Mary in the club! But what do I spy? Is that Merial and Greg’s backs, and Jim’s hand?

Wait, is it a hand or a paw, on a technical terminology?

That does look like it might be the Springfield crew sitting at the table at the top of the stairs (bottom left on the page). Merial’s back, Greg’s back, Jimothy’s hand. Is Michelle off the edge of the page, in front of Greg?

With that degree of articulation in the griffin’s midform, I’d call it a hand rather than a paw.

The goat feet we saw ahead of the guy who wears his sunglasses at night belong to the curly-horned satyr whose head we saw the back of on the previous couple pages, not Greg.

But see the hand still has paw pads

The satyr at the top of the stairs could definitely be the one further back in the last panel, or just gone somewhere else entirely

Yes, it’s unclear just where Curly-Horn went to. The people on that side of the stairs can only be identified by species. Front to back, they are: nixie (Merial?); satyr (Greg? fur color too light to be Curly-Horn); satyr (Curly-Horn?). Sitting across from the nixie is an opinicus (Jimothy?) If Curly-Horn isn’t that second satyr, he must have walked quickly enough to be out of sight in that frame.

Its so nice seeing Tony having fun!

Is that my guy Norville Rogers there in the top panel???

I had to scroll back and look and OMG it DOES look like him!

Could you tell me in what page (pages?) does Norville appear?

So far? Just this one that I know of. He might just be a one-off Easter egg for us to find. You see it in visual media sometimes. If you read the manhwa Faerie’s Landing, for example, you’ll spot Zack and Cloud from FF7 in multiple panels in the background… And not just in the main character’s room on a poster.

I knew the Skipper’s legal name was Jonas Grunby, but I didn’t know Shaggy’s name was Norville Rogers. That shows you what I watched more of. (As does the line I’ve often used referring to my long-ago military stint: “Relax, your life was in my hands.”)

Two ways to do the “second floor” trick on the Underground:

1. Entry stair is actually two floors high (possible, hard to tell from illustrations)

2. Second floor goes up into another structure (Avalon) next door. Disneyland uses this trick a lot.

3. Magic (pocket dimension). ;-)

(The Underground was an avalon-internal underground bar, there’s no reason why its original rooms should not be underneath it – picture the owner of whatever other lot they’d be underneath starting an excavation for a new building, big unnecessary problem -, and while we’ve never seen the upper floor before, the newly-magiced entrance did connect to the main room of back then …)

4. We haven’t technically seen every angle of the Underground before now, so there could be originally two ways to get down there – Outside access within the Avalon, and inside access via the ground floor. Looking at the bar, the stairs Sunglasses At Night goes up are to the RIGHT of the bar, but going back to Exchanges, when Paul questions ‘what’ Anthony’s with he looks to his left, also to the left of the bar. Which honestly would make sense from a safety standpoint, to have as many exits as possible in the event of an emergency(So another bonus to the stairs coming in from outside the Avalon)

It was already established that the main floor of the Underground, which the tunnel connects to, is below ground level, with a large storage basement under it. Abbie and Tim live in the loft above, which they call Little Cardiff. It’s unclear whether there’s another level or two between the Underground and the loft.

This featured staircase was not there before, so there’s been some reconstruction in those two years. They may have also built up, adding a new dwelling loft if the upward extension of the Underground crowded them out of their old quarters.

I’ve been comparing all these new views of The Underground to the diagram in the end-matter of the print/PDF version of Exchanges.

The new stairwell was built in the restroom corridor. When Sunglasses At Night has just turned toward the stairs, the “staff” door on his left leads to the kitchen (there’s another kitchen door next to the bar). The door on his right with the yellow sign leads to the restroom. Judging by that sign and the fact that the stairs have blocked the corridor to the second restroom, the two restrooms have probably been connected inside.

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