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2020 Reader Question 12

2020 Reader Question 12 published on 10 Comments on 2020 Reader Question 12

I like this question because it made me go do some research about Polynesian creatures! Mo’o are in Hawaii and come in a lot of different sizes and shapes, and some are friendly and some are mean! They usually live in pools and rivers, and when they die they turn to stone. Waitoreke live in New Zealand and look kind of like a cross between a beaver and an otter and have a spotted pelt. Hākuturi are Maori beings that protect forests, and are seen as a lot of different creatures, but I drew them as Whitehead birds, which are often seen as hākuturi.


What do wild Bandersnatches eat in Wonderland? Does it have alot of regular animals? Why do they have a bad reputation? Is there a rule about wearing clothes in the wilds so they can tell you aren’t food? :)

What do they like to eat and drink in our world? :p Cheetoes, beer, bangers and mash…

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