I need to make a better effort of putting more yokai (and non-european mythical creatures in general) into Skin Deep. There’s no reason why an Avalon the size of the Liverpool Avalon wouldn’t have a couple random kitsunes or tengus walking around at the very least.
This is the LAST WEEK to sign up for this quarter’s PATREON PIN CLUB! This quarter the theme is CRYPTIDS, and if you join in September and stay joined through November, you’ll get these pins in November! More information and rules over on my Patreon!
Mmmm, dango. :D
That’ll be a cool thing to look forward to! yeah w globalization and all that it makes sense for more mythicals to move around and settle down in new places! also I love that ōgama, he just a normal man. just an innocent man.
We’re just innocent men….