People keep asking for gryphons and they’re fun to draw SO HERE ARE MORE GRYPHONS.
Don’t forget to check out the Kickstarter!!!
Sphinx Dragon hybrid. >:3
Be Ungovernable! Draw Griffies!
So if dinosaurs are birds, how about a Compsognathus gryphonated with a Dryolestes (early rodent-like mammal). Both from Jurassic Europe.
I think I’m going to miss this daily stuff once you’re back on the weekly comic.
BIG Griffin!
I want axolotl cryptids
Not a Griffon, but I dare you to combine an Axolotl with a megabat/flying fox for maximum cuteness.
Could we see a strangler fig dryad?
Penguin-dolphin. Please? *big sad gryph eyes*
Is the Loch Ness Monster real? If so, is Nessie part of a larger species?
Who of the primary and secondary cast has the least musical talent?
Among the main Springfield cast, my guess would be Merial. She’s the only one not specified to play an instrument, and nothing’s been said about her singing voice.
Other question marks include Eustace, Marshall, and Myra. (Don’t ask Gabe; swinging a poleaxe is not the same as playing an Axe.)
In the L.A., my nominee would be Madame U. Several others, including most of the Finns, have no specified musical talents.
For all we know, ‘Carver could turn out to be a blues singer.
Bloodcarver certainly would have had the life with enough material to sing about as a blues singer.
Then again, if one goes with this logic, he could sing country as well: Mah dad done gone mad, ain’t got no more home.
Cain’t even wander ’round Hell no more.
Way off yonder is mah Missus who I miss and wanna give kisses.
…hmm. I think I better leave the lyrics to someone who can actually compose them. I certainly cain’t!
I suspect Madame U plays the piano or sings opera.
Quite a few of the characters are established as being musically talented; all others are unspecified. Most will have fair-to-middling skill, or at least be able to appreciate others’ skill.
We have yet to meet a counterpart to Cacofonix, the Gaulish bard (in the Asterix comics) with a horrible voice.
Sphinx Dragon hybrid. >:3
Be Ungovernable! Draw Griffies!
So if dinosaurs are birds, how about a Compsognathus gryphonated with a Dryolestes (early rodent-like mammal). Both from Jurassic Europe.
I think I’m going to miss this daily stuff once you’re back on the weekly comic.
BIG Griffin!
I want axolotl cryptids
Not a Griffon, but I dare you to combine an Axolotl with a megabat/flying fox for maximum cuteness.
Could we see a strangler fig dryad?
Penguin-dolphin. Please? *big sad gryph eyes*
Is the Loch Ness Monster real? If so, is Nessie part of a larger species?
Who of the primary and secondary cast has the least musical talent?
Among the main Springfield cast, my guess would be Merial. She’s the only one not specified to play an instrument, and nothing’s been said about her singing voice.
Other question marks include Eustace, Marshall, and Myra. (Don’t ask Gabe; swinging a poleaxe is not the same as playing an Axe.)
In the L.A., my nominee would be Madame U. Several others, including most of the Finns, have no specified musical talents.
For all we know, ‘Carver could turn out to be a blues singer.
Bloodcarver certainly would have had the life with enough material to sing about as a blues singer.
Then again, if one goes with this logic, he could sing country as well: Mah dad done gone mad, ain’t got no more home.
Cain’t even wander ’round Hell no more.
Way off yonder is mah Missus who I miss and wanna give kisses.
…hmm. I think I better leave the lyrics to someone who can actually compose them. I certainly cain’t!
I suspect Madame U plays the piano or sings opera.
Quite a few of the characters are established as being musically talented; all others are unspecified. Most will have fair-to-middling skill, or at least be able to appreciate others’ skill.
We have yet to meet a counterpart to Cacofonix, the Gaulish bard (in the Asterix comics) with a horrible voice.