Most people in the Skin Deep world will never see a fae, but they’re pretty sure they exist. Maybe. Probably. Most likely.
Ssssshhhh. Don’t Let the fae know you did that.
In particular, don’t let the fae know you needed to do the uspeakable for the mushroom but not for oh-so-secretive them. :-3
That’s good advice. When in doubt, don’t mess with the fairies.
If someone made up a new heraldric creature, would it just start to exist? Is there a theoretical set of requirements that could be used to test if this happens? Maybe found one or more small island nations and make the national heraldry something silly like a penguin with a peacock tail and moose antlers or a fish with ostrich legs. You know. For science!
Well, did any morses appear in Southern Britain over the past 20 years? ;-)
I feel like science has nothing to do with what you are proposing, maybe seek the nearest wizard for this experiment
Science has everything to do with it! Sure, in our world science doesn’t have much interest in mythical creatures, but that all changes with evidence of their reality! You have all sorts of things to figure out, like if they break conservation of energy/matter (in which case you have a whole lot of things to reevaluate).
Frog legs frog legs frog person awesome faerie!
Sort of looks like The Noseless One, frankly. Probably because humans are wired to see all noseless humanoids the same way.
Feedline: “How does it smell?”
“Like a swamp.”
I imagine the fey mostly live in their own plane. There could be entire ecosystems of them, and people on main-earth would never even notice.
Ssssshhhh. Don’t Let the fae know you did that.
In particular, don’t let the fae know you needed to do the uspeakable for the mushroom but not for oh-so-secretive them. :-3
That’s good advice. When in doubt, don’t mess with the fairies.
If someone made up a new heraldric creature, would it just start to exist? Is there a theoretical set of requirements that could be used to test if this happens? Maybe found one or more small island nations and make the national heraldry something silly like a penguin with a peacock tail and moose antlers or a fish with ostrich legs. You know. For science!
Well, did any morses appear in Southern Britain over the past 20 years? ;-)
I feel like science has nothing to do with what you are proposing, maybe seek the nearest wizard for this experiment
Science has everything to do with it! Sure, in our world science doesn’t have much interest in mythical creatures, but that all changes with evidence of their reality! You have all sorts of things to figure out, like if they break conservation of energy/matter (in which case you have a whole lot of things to reevaluate).
Frog legs frog legs frog person awesome faerie!
Sort of looks like The Noseless One, frankly. Probably because humans are wired to see all noseless humanoids the same way.
Feedline: “How does it smell?”
“Like a swamp.”
I imagine the fey mostly live in their own plane. There could be entire ecosystems of them, and people on main-earth would never even notice.