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On hiatus! Comic will return January 28th (hopefully)!


Where are Michelle and Greg living while staying in England? The Finn’s house or the Liverpool Avalon? Is there an equivalent of a hotel or hostel in the avalon for travelling mythicals?
How many live full time in the Liverpool avalon?

The Liverpool Avalon is said to be the largest in the world, but is it larger than Wonderland? Does Wonderland count as an avalon or is it considered something else?

How do the Liverpool Avalon’s residents (and the rest of Mythicalkind) feel about humans? I assume most of those born and raised as mythicals in the mythical community are just neutral and just try to focus on their own lives without worrying too much, while those born as human in the normal world and go through a turning like Michelle and Tony have a connection to both worlds if not more to their human side, and then you have Mythicals like Elise who just hate humans.

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