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February 2020 Reader Question 13

February 2020 Reader Question 13 published on 12 Comments on February 2020 Reader Question 13

A lot of dog-headed creatures get mistaken for the Cynocephalus, but true Cynocephalus have dog heads and completely human bodies. So if you see a dog-headed person with a tail or fur anywhere besides the head, it’s not a Cynocephalus.

Skin Deep returns March 3rd!

I’ve teamed up with Topatoco and now I have a Topatoco store!

Currently it’s mostly a few paleo art tshirts, but if all goes well there will be Skin Deep stuff up for sale soon! Check it out!


I beg pardon for my nerdery, but I feel compelled to point out that the “-us” ending is singular — Cynocephalus being a Latin term, the plural form would be “Cynocephali”.

St Christopher, when he is remembered at all these days, is mostly remembered for a legend that he carried the infant Jesus across a river. This is what is what is depicted on the St. Christopher’s Medallion, and the reason why he’s the Patron Saint of Safe Travel.

But Kory is absolutely right! There is another legend that states that St. Christopher pledged Chastity for the Lord. But he was so danged good-looking that the women just wouldn’t stay off his D! So, he prayed to God for relief, and the Good Lord saw fit to answer his prayer… by making him a furry.

Honest question, why is it cynocephalus instead of canicephalus? Or (I realize as I type them next to each other) are they cognates?

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