Hey Germany are you okay?
Skin Deep is back on March 3rd!
I’ve teamed up with Topatoco and now I have a Topatoco store!
Currently it’s mostly a few paleo art tshirts, but if all goes well there will be Skin Deep stuff up for sale soon! Check it out!
Guten Tag.
…That is either a beautifully hideous creature design, or an hideously beautiful one. I’m unsure which, but I’m frankly mildly envious of the unrestrained creativity of whoever dreamed up that thing.
Dear Kory: Why don’t Chicken breasts have nipples…
Kory: So they don’t poke holes in the package when you put them in the fridge…
Everything is fine here in Germany.
But i can’t help you with your questions anyway, I have never heard of this creature until today :)
Ja, klar! Danke der Nachfrage.
google translate is so helpful during times like these
Heh, if you follow the wikipedia trail, they’re related to jackalope’s.
Me: Can we get a harpy?
Germany: We have a harpy at home!
Harpy at (German) home:
Question for Paul Finn: what lead you to become a musician’s manager? Did you play an instrument when you were young?
Well, as a german myself, I’ve never heard of this either, so no answers from me! XD
Guess it’s a regional thing.
(Whoops, sorry, I took the wrong reply form, mea culpa!)
Germany: haha no
German Cryptids are strange but cool. They have their own Jackalope! It’s called the Wolpertinger, and it flies!
Gives a new meaning to “chicken breasts,” huh
I have no idea what that is, but now I kind of want stats for it so I can throw it at unsuspecting player characters.
What happens if a human woman pregnant with an Unturned child touches a medallion?
Any chance of a Lammasu or Cuelga in SD?
I remember seeing one of those painted on a Gasthaus wall somewhere in the Rhineland-Pfalz area when I lived in Germany; the boobs and the huge beak didn’t bother me much (though the one I saw had a beak more like an eagle’s), but the ears… yeah. SO. FREAKING. WEIRD. I was all “Go home, Deutschland, you’re drunk.”
Omg I had to share this with Mefit Fur Meet staff there is a certain bear who can’t stop laughing if you say “Chicken Boobs”
Hmm… It reminds me of the greater sage-grouse https://images.app.goo.gl/DNnFHXZvxoe9KaEL7