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February 2020 Reader Question 12

February 2020 Reader Question 12 published on 19 Comments on February 2020 Reader Question 12

Hey Germany are you okay?

Skin Deep is back on March 3rd!

I’ve teamed up with Topatoco and now I have a Topatoco store!

Currently it’s mostly a few paleo art tshirts, but if all goes well there will be Skin Deep stuff up for sale soon! Check it out!


I remember seeing one of those painted on a Gasthaus wall somewhere in the Rhineland-Pfalz area when I lived in Germany; the boobs and the huge beak didn’t bother me much (though the one I saw had a beak more like an eagle’s), but the ears… yeah. SO. FREAKING. WEIRD. I was all “Go home, Deutschland, you’re drunk.”

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