Happy Valentine’s day! Here are two dragons. I didn’t really think things through with this one. But look it’s the noodle dragon from the first reader question! She’s very excited to look like a 00s skater grrl. This is actually how I originally drew Bloodcarver when I first invented him and hadn’t yet thought up Skin Deep or medallions or anything. If Bloodcarver were real this would be like me showing you his baby photos and he would NOT enjoy it.
Skin Deep returns March 3rd!
I enjoy Baby Photo Bloodcarver very much.
Now that I think about it, given that we know dragons live a long life, how old would Bloody be in context of a human lifespan? I would absolutely pin him here as early to mid 30s
Hey is that dragon girl available? And gay?
Do wyverns lose their wing-arms and get regular arms with a medallion?
Oh I love this! Thank you!
Are there any hellhounds in Dis?
We saw one when Gabe and Myra were taking down the hellmouth in Dogpatch~
Huh, Bloodcarver actually looks rather pleased by the sport jacket and trousers. As if to be thinking “mmm yes, this was well worth the wait. I dread learning a Windsor knot though.’
Course the other is clearly ecstatic and probably going to be on the look out for a ramin cart soon enough, or double scoop of ice-cream.
Does anyone in the Liverpool Avalon have a car or even a driver license? I know the Finns do but anyone else?
Dragon Midforms!!! :D
Do wyverns lose their wing-arms for regular arms with a medallion?
Name proposal for the yay dragon, who is adorable and absolutely precious — Merrybell. Or Merrytail, or something else that contains just as much glee as she does. x3 Claws of Joy? Lightbringer? I don’t know but she needs a naaaaame x3
… Enthusnelda? Smileyfangs?
[gets decked with rotten dragonfruit]
You have literally made my day with this! thank you so much!~
I dunno I think Bloodcarver looks pretty hip.
Are there symbolic tokens among the cryptid community, along the lines of wedding rings? There are so many species that wouldn’t be able to wear them in their true forms, I just wonder what other tokens they might exchange, if any, with a significant other.
Can see wee an Alligator/corc/caiman totem animal?
Ahh yes, Harry Du Bloodcarver.
Noodle dragon Sk8r gurl has a cameo in Double Dragon!
I can’t help thinking he needs dark glasses and a similarly-attired partner.
Bloodcarver is so over this shit.