March Reader Question 6 March Reader Question 6 published on March 14, 2014Read more posts by the author of March Reader Question 6, KoryBing2 Comments on March Reader Question 6 The original post for this comic was lost in a site crash. This is a repost.
But is that his opinion (since he dislikes satyrs), or actual fact? Given that satyrs are compatible with people and the kind of shenanigans they were known to get up, I’m betting there are, in fact, a LOT of satyrs.
Given that satyrs are compatible with people and the kind of shenanigans they were known to get up, I’m betting there are, in fact, a LOT of satyrs.
But is that his opinion (since he dislikes satyrs), or actual fact?
Given that satyrs are compatible with people and the kind of shenanigans they were known to get up, I’m betting there are, in fact, a LOT of satyrs.