May Reader Question 4 May Reader Question 4 published on May 4, 2016Read more posts by the author of May Reader Question 4, KoryBing4 Comments on May Reader Question 4 This comic’s original post was lost in a site crash. This is a repost.
Manticore is like: “Sup, Ladycores!” *Eyebrow wiggles* Hopeless romanticore. need a like button to leave both comments all the hearts <3 ! he tries to set up a romantic dinner, but has no thumbs, so it goes poorly
Hopeless romanticore. need a like button to leave both comments all the hearts <3 ! he tries to set up a romantic dinner, but has no thumbs, so it goes poorly
Manticore is like: “Sup, Ladycores!” *Eyebrow wiggles*
Hopeless romanticore.
need a like button to leave both comments all the hearts <3 !
he tries to set up a romantic dinner, but has no thumbs, so it goes poorly