Question 12 Question 12 published on January 6, 2010Read more posts by the author of Question 12, KoryBing5 Comments on Question 12
Eh…we aren’t all that hot. No flight, no water breathing, no fur to speak of, our hearing and vision are middle-of-the-road at best, and worst of all, no tail. We’ve got thumbs going for us, but I think Michelle still has those as a sphinx!
*looks at nails* We are pretty awesome, I agree.
Eh…we aren’t all that hot.
No flight, no water breathing, no fur to speak of, our hearing and vision are middle-of-the-road at best, and worst of all, no tail.
We’ve got thumbs going for us, but I think Michelle still has those as a sphinx!
At least she can change back!
Why? Humans are boring. Sphinxes are way more interesting.
*laughs in human*