Question 16 Question 16 published on January 11, 2010Read more posts by the author of Question 16, KoryBing4 Comments on Question 16
He looks so happy! Now that’s what I call skills. Oh, and apparently the Momo likes cruchy peanut butter, because you’re missing the ‘n’. Just thought I’d note it!
hey, there’s one third jar. Maybe it is jelly:) Nah, must be natural The third jar is just shelled peanuts.
He looks so happy! Now that’s what I call skills.
Oh, and apparently the Momo likes cruchy peanut butter, because you’re missing the ‘n’. Just thought I’d note it!
hey, there’s one third jar. Maybe it is jelly:)
Nah, must be natural
The third jar is just shelled peanuts.