Sorry this is up a little late. I’m sick!! Bleh!
Also you should check out the Plesiostore. Everything is 20% off if you use the code “JIMINYJAMINY” at checkout! Happy Holidays!
Also, the Cautionary Fables and Fairy Tale books are for sale through my store now!
Gabe yatch’ doin in the back of Myra’s truck and how do they now Gabe!!!
I really like Gabe’s current look, but then again I dig guys with long hair and love going barefoot. Also the wings and bangles help. X3
yey updates! also i love his fave in the last box xD
You guys laugh but angels are scary mutherfuckers. Pick up a bible some time and read about them. Right freakish things they are.
Does that mean that Eustace would rather take any combination of shutting up, walking or flying than share space with Gabe? And transport chief Myra decided to have a potentially talkative totem in her vehicle cabin rather than the Angel with Dirty Feet? And is that the nightmare skull from the One-Eyed Bear story? He’s not going to use it as a stake in his next poker game with the Grim Brothers, is he?!
Gabe may try to follow all religions but I imagine s/he gets out of a number of things by being neither male or female.
Like what? Society, as a general rule, likes to categorize people, and doesn’t respond well to those who don’t fit into the usual boxes. Gabe probably ‘gets out’ of more by passing as male than ze does by being intersex.
So they’re all headin’ to Dogpatch? Looks like a swell place for an Avalon!
Oh, Gabe does /not/ look happy … Can’t wait to see what’s got his undies in a bunch.
Also, hope you are feeling better!
Before posting this, I was reminding myself to use “her/his” for Gabe and then … I forgot. >.<
Just another fun road trip with “No Ma’am” Myra.
Is that supposed to be fit you through, not fit through through in that last panel there? :x
Yay! Gabe! I thought it was him/her. Always nice to see one of my favourite characters return :)
Wow, just Wow. Gabe really looks like a very unhappy camper.
Though for a moment, with all the bangles at neck, wrist, ankle, I almost thought they had him tied up.
You wrote “through” twice in that last bubble Kory!
Thanks for the very useful “tags” for the characters! I had some fun going back and refreshing myself on who these people were.
I don’t always see amulets around people’s necks. Do some people carry them elsewhere, like in a wallet or medicine pouch or something?
The only person on this page that needs a medallion is Myra, and there hasn’t been a good shot of her neck yet. : )
How could Eustace have caught a ride with that Marshall?
There is no way that is a raven.
I’m sorry I’m late on this and it’s a completely random question dealing with the mythic beings. Do mythical humans exist, I’m not saying warlocks but beings like methuselah and the wandering jew? warlocks like the gent in exchanges or a subsect of humanity that’s a mythical creature?
Wait, is that the nightmare that Gabe is holding in his/her lap?
The last panel is priceless. XD
If Gabe is genderless, the proper pronoun would be ‘it’ would it not? ‘He/she’ would be for a being that was both or combination of both genders.
Certainly not. You’re right in that ‘he/she’ isn’t very appropriate, but ‘it’ is reserved for inanimate objects and concepts. There’s a long list of proposed non-binary pronouns that could be used, including ‘ze’, ‘sie’, ‘co’, and ‘hir’. There’s no consensus on exactly which pronoun is appropriate for which non-binary identity, and we don’t really know how Gabe identifies anyway, so take your pick. Some people also use ‘they’ as a non-binary pronoun, but I’m firmly of the opinion that the singular ‘they’ should be reserved for situations in which the gender identity of the referent is unknown (which, again, it technically is in this case, but we do at least know that Gabe’s non-binary).
I prefer “they” for myself because, although it’s grammatically awkward, it is something that already exists in the English language, so it comes more naturally to most people (including me). I would very much like it if English had a better gender-neutral singular pronoun, but I don’t want to make things difficult either.
As for “it”, you should never refer to a person as “it” unless they want to be called that (or sometimes maybe for infants). It’s generally considered demeaning and dehumanizing. (Depersonizing? Gabe isn’t exactly human.)
Silly me, not reading that two-sentence comment thoroughly before replying. ‘He/she’ indicates that the referent is one or the other, not that the referent is both. Gabe could well be androgynous, or bigender, or genderfluid, or whatever. All the cast listing tells us about Gabe’s identity is that ze is “physically genderless” (which is an oxymoron, by the way – it’s sex that’s physical, not gender), and and the fact the ze’s listed as “Gabriel/Gabrielle” would indicate that zir identity is somehow non-binary (zir lack of sexual characteristics doesn’t automatically mean that ze’s non-binary, much less that ze’s genderless).
Everything isn’t always as it appears. What they actually see?
Woo! JPEG artifacts!