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Greetings from Dogpatch 47: Language, Mike

Greetings from Dogpatch 47: Language, Mike published on 25 Comments on Greetings from Dogpatch 47: Language, Mike

Happy October! The best month of the year!

This page is full of swears and I’m sorry about that.

I have two conventions this month! I’ll be at APE on the 10-13th, and Geek Girl Con on the 19-20th! Hope to see you there!


Whoever’s waiting (Myra, Eustace, or a vertically challenge, shotgun-wielding totem-bird) I’m positive it will be hilarious.

Also, Kory, love love love Mikhail’s feet. Don’t know what it is about feet that act like hands and look like paws, but I love ’em, and you nailed it.

I just gotta say. Those curly horns of his? Adorable. They look like pastries!

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