Now Anthony, Your going througha period of life where theres bound to be a few changes…
Looking at all the cool Sci-Fi, etc, Stuff in his room It’s no wonder he react so well to the Avalon initially.
ooooohhhh come on! Can’t we have one human? Just one? Ya gotta have at least one of us in there. It makes me feel I myself could be there. And Maaaaan how I wish I was there. All those creatures seem absolutly fasinating! Pleasepleaseplease just one. I’ll give ya ten bucks. :D
Well if the blood traits are sealed tell you touch a seal so if your great great great great great grandpa was a Jub Jub bird so would you. So a lot of humans are mythical beasts with knowing. Like are friend here.
If you want humans, there are a million other comics out there, go read something else.
Ghost-Busters, B****.
I know Anthony’s scared out of his mind, but that’s a touch harsh. Even friends have limits to their patience…as he’s so amply illustrated already.
Presumably British and apparently obsessed with sci-fi (judging by the x-files and ghostbusters stuff he’s got) but no Doctor Who? He has no taste.
It’s probably on the other wall.
Dont judge the man too quickly he probably has Doctor Who posters all over his room like a normal Whovian haha.
There’s always more walls.
A billion years late but Dr. Who wouldn’t be revived until 2005, a year after this storyline takes place, so it’s not really in the cultural consciousness right now, at least not in a way that somebody like Tony would be interested in.
Who you gonna call, indeed.
JEALOUSY!!!!!!!!!!! :0
Cause he’s transforming into some sort of monster or cause of all the stuff he has in his room?
…..if you look at his stuff this guy is such a freaking nerd it isn’t funny XD
Just noticed he likes both dc and marvel comics, judging by the batman and spiderman books. At least I think they’re books.
When I was reading the books on his shelf, I first read “Hardy Boys” as “Harpy Boys” >.>
Read this stuff and you start seeing mythical creatures everywhere.
Nice touch wih the liverpool FC poster :D
Now Anthony, Your going througha period of life where theres bound to be a few changes…
Looking at all the cool Sci-Fi, etc, Stuff in his room It’s no wonder he react so well to the Avalon initially.
ooooohhhh come on! Can’t we have one human? Just one? Ya gotta have at least one of us in there. It makes me feel I myself could be there. And Maaaaan how I wish I was there. All those creatures seem absolutly fasinating! Pleasepleaseplease just one. I’ll give ya ten bucks. :D
Well if the blood traits are sealed tell you touch a seal so if your great great great great great grandpa was a Jub Jub bird so would you. So a lot of humans are mythical beasts with knowing. Like are friend here.
If you want humans, there are a million other comics out there, go read something else.
Ghost-Busters, B****.
I know Anthony’s scared out of his mind, but that’s a touch harsh. Even friends have limits to their patience…as he’s so amply illustrated already.
Presumably British and apparently obsessed with sci-fi (judging by the x-files and ghostbusters stuff he’s got) but no Doctor Who? He has no taste.
It’s probably on the other wall.
Dont judge the man too quickly he probably has Doctor Who posters all over his room like a normal Whovian haha.
There’s always more walls.
A billion years late but Dr. Who wouldn’t be revived until 2005, a year after this storyline takes place, so it’s not really in the cultural consciousness right now, at least not in a way that somebody like Tony would be interested in.
Who you gonna call, indeed.
JEALOUSY!!!!!!!!!!! :0
Cause he’s transforming into some sort of monster or cause of all the stuff he has in his room?
…..if you look at his stuff this guy is such a freaking nerd it isn’t funny XD
Just noticed he likes both dc and marvel comics, judging by the batman and spiderman books. At least I think they’re books.
When I was reading the books on his shelf, I first read “Hardy Boys” as “Harpy Boys” >.>
Read this stuff and you start seeing mythical creatures everywhere.
oh my, that looks like a river of troubles coming