I’m up in Vancouver this week (and next week) for CAMP MONSTER BONES, a two week adventure where I hang out with Sfé Monster and we work on projects! One of those projects is FINISHING EXCHANGES, which is really soon because this is the penultimate page! Hooray! I’m excited!
I don’t have much else to say about this, other than drawing Anthony smiling is a lot more fun than drawing him angry and sad.
Next week is the VERY LAST PAGE of Exchanges and I hope y’all like it because I’m working really hard to make it a super rad page! Then I will take a two to four week hiatus (I haven’t decided yet) to gear up for the next comic, and I will use that time to answer another batch of READER QUESTIONS. YAY!
If I haven’t said it before, let me say it now…. You do great work Kory…
This is some of the best stuff out there… The lighting,…the colors,…the exceptional characters…
I honestly believe you could give Charles Vess a run for his money…
Jadugara ^_^
Agreed; very lovely stuff.
Out of curiosity, where is the spot for reader questions?
I was curious about this myself…
if it’s in a really obvious place then I shall fell stupid
Nicely done, this page is great! And glad to see Tony doesn’t hate Blanche. :)
Given that this chapter takes place in the past and is about to end… don’t keep your hopes up Tony…
… Is that Dave in the background wearing a skirt and high heels, or is it just me?
@Fossegrim: It’s just you. You’re going crazy :D
Btw, I really love how you make such detailed backgrounds. It really makes the reader immerse themselves in the story :)
Horray for being able to work things out with your friends!
I’m glad to see Anthony smiling again. He seems like a pretty cool guy if you catch him on a day when hasn’t just turned into something he didn’t even know existed. It’s also nice to see Ike and Rhonda sitting together. Maybe she can make HIM smile.
Sweet, making up rocks XD. And hey, if things get fixed you’ll have an awesome secret to share with people you trust XD
Is it just me or is that a Hippocamopus next to that Nixie at the very bottom of the page? I see horse ears and I think gills. 8D
Probably a buggane; it’s been established that hippocampi are non-sentient in this world.
I’m officially in love with David, I swear. Those heels though… he could do so much better.
Haha. Good to see Isaac making some new friends with Rhonda.
-eyebrow wiggle-
re: alt-text, yes, I imagine not being able to rotate your wrists would be a LITERAL pain-in-the-ass, especially when it gets down to paper-time during one’s toilet-related activities. Here’s wishing Tony good luck…
I hope we see them again and have a good story about curing him
A cure is unlikely, as is getting a medallion. Art on Kory’s deviant art page suggests his best bet is learning to cope (and a big coat.)
Aw, I like this crew it’s gonna be tough to stop seeing them on a weekly basis ;/
@Fossegrim: Don’t listen to Mia.I see him in a skirt too.
Aaaaaand there’s the smile we were looking for! :D
My goodness I know how terrible not being able to turn your wrist is. Sprained my wrist when I was a senior in high school and I couldn’t turn my hand higher than the rest of my arm without much hurt. It was indeed difficult.
I’m still wondering what is with that Leeds sign.
I mean those are London Underground signs. Leeds is its own city, not an underground station. What gives?
I thought beer was supposed to make your blood vessels open up, and so makes a lot of you flush red, and not a shred of pink on Blanch. Or…his blood is white…
or he has white fur?
Or he’s magic? He seems to glow faintly in the dark, he can see just fine despite pure white eyes, and a full-grown white stag has a small sun between his antlers, so I’m going to go with “he’s magic”.
Two more spaces for awhiles, please.
Hi friend, I noticed you’re going through my entire comic and correcting 10 years worth of minor grammatical errors! If you pick up the printed versions you’ll find that many of these mistakes have already been fixed! I pay an editor to go through these things to fix them, so you can stop.