Thank you to everyone who came to see me at Artist Alley Fest last Sunday! It was great to see y’all!
I don’t have a lot of news to share this week, I’m just plugging along on projects! Woo!
Thank you to everyone who came to see me at Artist Alley Fest last Sunday! It was great to see y’all!
I don’t have a lot of news to share this week, I’m just plugging along on projects! Woo!
Your, uh, canines are a bit large there Michelle.
Nerves, just nerves….. Some people get sweaty palms when they’re nervous, some talk too fast, some break out in hives, some get fangs….. perfectly normal! O_O
I made the exact same comment earlier… and your name… what a coincidence.
??? During which page? (Though hey, it makes sense!) Also, my name? I’m curious.
It was on the Patreon page. Shoutout to all the Spencers out there!
She is it Midform so that’s understandable.
Actually she’s in human form, I don’t believe she’s learned how to do the mid-form yet.
Yeah, but Jim goes midform when he’s startled all the time. It’s probably a mood thing.
I love how Michelle is starting to just roll with this sort of thing. It’s like “This is my life now. It frequently make no dang sense to me, but it is what it is, and it is mine. It’s best if I don’t fight it.”
Im so tired of the info person that can explain everything just dies and leaves more mysteries!
My gods Ravi’s eyes just keep getting better.
He has anime eyes even when they’re just dots…
1) Ravi, you’re just agreeing and speaking in generalities. You don’t know anything, do you?
2) Jim in the doorway. Ohmigod it’s precious.
1) Kind of the point – MICHELLE knows the important things, Ravi is going to show her how to interpret the info she already knows but doesn’t UNDERSTAND or have any clues of how to grasp.
2) So true.
Jim is just too big for the door. :P
I haven’t laughed this hard at Jim Jim since that time he had a square bum.
Hehe, yes! Jim, ignore the Tumblr comment and stay right where you are! You are just too funny and cute like that, and, given that he has Michelle to focus on, Ravi might lose awareness of the fact that you’re even there! >:=)>
he’s just taking a nap
“Let me make some tea” is universally code for “I’m about to go out of visible range and do something malicious, probably compelled by the story’s antagonist(s), which will hinder the protagonist’s efforts at best and put them in mortal danger at worst, in a heartbreaking manner that in no way makes the protagnoist sympathetic to my plight or resolved in their duties.”
Brace yourselves. The Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal approaches.
Or the Mysterious Kitchen Kidnapping Leaving Only a Small Puddle of Tea Behind. Or maybe we can defy the tropes and Michelle can get some freakin answers for once, hahaha!
Maybe it won’t be really sad/kinda cliche and we’ll just get a cut to when he’s serving the tea! That’s also an option!
I think they’re in the kitchen-type-space right now – that looks like a jug kettle, a mug and a pair of oven gloves/pot holders with that kitchen-type sideboard/worktop and wall cupboard there. And if this story is working properly in English mode, there probably isn’t anything sinister at all tied up in this – it’s still a common English (and Indian) social convention to offer tea to any guests or gatherings at ones dwelling, and still common in fiction for nothing untoward to happen in the process. It’s even true if you’re working in Anglo-Australian-French psychedelic mode (YouTube link to Gong’s Outer Temple). So, fingers crossed, everything’s going to be all right!
It’s a kitchen wall unit.
No idea just how old that one is. Considering Ravi and his style, it might well be a 1950s or older one.
They were regularly bought for kitchens to add extra benchtop workspace and cupboard storage. They’ve fallen out of favour quite markedly in the past 10 to 15 years.
Tea also comes out before any potentially awkward conversation in the UK:
Person 1: Help! I’m involuntarily turning in to a mythological creature!
Person 2: Ah, well…I’ll go and put the kettle on, shall I?
Last panel: Ravi states the obvious.
I like Ravi’s kitchen; it looks comfortably cramped and lived-in. And that picture of a praying mantis makes me wonder if it’s somebody’s relative. Also, could Ravi’s eyes get any shinier? :D
It’s a nod to how Kory originally visualised Ravi’s character decades ago.
I really wanted to visit artist alley sunday and try and get an autograph, but social phobias sucks. :(
Ravi continues to be adorable.
That’s it, there is no getting away from it. Ravi is a victim of the Unyielding Positive Attitude curse. That is when you are compelled to react optimistically in all situations, even when it i not justified. “Zombie Apocalypse? Let us invite the new neighbors in for tea!”
Hmmmm… Ravi doesn’t seem to have a medallion… But, if he’s lived long enough to remember Michelle’s ancestors, he’s definitely not an ordinary human. Probably a shapeshifting monster like bugganes and somesuch?
Also, still incredibly adorable. It’s like he’s trying so hard not to do a Perfect Strangers-style Dance of Joy.
My guess is..
He’s a Garuda.
Either that or a Rakshasa. But a lot of things can shapeshift in Indian myths.
Answers, maybe.
More questions, likely.
Whether she can give any coherent description of the Vision, will be interesting.
Which vision would that be? The cryptic warning from her father’s shade, in Fiddler’s Cave, or the psychedelic glimpse of — something — in the tomb?
The Vision she got in the tomb.
Whilst she doesn’t understand what the shade of her father was talking about, what she was told, was told to her in plain English. She is starting with this stuff.
The Vision she got in the tomb, was all visual, and so far she has only told Jim some of what she thinks she saw might have been.
I love Jim in the back there. Jim, mate, what’re you doin’?
Does Jim always enter through curtains facefirst like that? He looks like one of the vultures from The Jungle Book movie, lol.
Why do I get the feeling that Ravi, beneath all his hospitable good cheer, is actually scary powerful? If he ever stops smiling you know that the s*** is about to hit the fan.
Me, too. I’m really curious what kind of creature he is (I’m guessing some kind of monster) given he has no medallion.
I have no idea why this is, and it makes absolutely no sense (not even to me), but Ravi’s voice in my head has a German accent. O_o
This adorable, excited little man has an equally adorable German accent in my brain.
Am I bonkers? I think I’m bonkers. Why is my brain doing this? It doesn’t make any sense.
Somebody please tell me what accent he’s supposed to have so I can tell my brain to stop giving him an accent that makes no sense! D:
Oh, I totally hear it as Indian with a slightly English secondary accent.
I agree. I hear an adorable accent. I also see Lord Garsha, in a human form. Hoping he will be on their side. I also see Krisna as well.
I am very sorry to bring this to you, but…
Yes, you’re bonkers!
Ravi simply _MUST_ be speaking Engrish! The words are English, but intonation, pronunciation etc. is all Indian.
I work with a bunch of Indian engineers – sweet and lovely people – but it can drive anybody daft to understand what they say. That fit with Jim only understanding every third word…
German accent, no, no, no. For that we need a mad scientist in a blood-splattered lab coat, with an outrageous hairdo, heavy-duty rubber gloves and welding glasses…
It’s why I described what I thought his accent as being, Hank Azaria playing Apu on The Simpsons.
As for your German Mad Scientist look, NEIN!
That look is so badly outdated it’s not funny.
In the mid noughties it would be an OCD neat-freak economist-bureaucrat, wearing a Business Suit that looks more like a Military Uniform. It’d be the sort of person pre-planning the execution of the GFC for their OWN benefit.
In many parts of the world, especially places that were once included in the British Empire, the second-language English that the locals learn is British English. Variations of British accent persist, but they are, indeed, variations.
I feel Ravi is holdin back how much he wants to fangirl over the fact that the Sphinx girl he’s waited so long for is FINALLY HERE. I mean, I can feel he’s holding back, I guess out of common decency? It would be weird for a man you just met to suddenly be hugging you while squealing in delight
Soooo, since I’m an etymology-of-names freak, I did a little looking around… Best I can tell, ‘Ravi’ is a name of East Indian origin and in both Hindi and Swahili means ‘the sun.’ Make of that what you will.
… is… is it a bit pushy of me to want a small Ravi spin-off? he’s so FUN!
It would be interesting to see a story featuring Ravi, Phineas the Red, and Jonathan, from the days of the Great War.
Now that would be very interesting. Kory what do you think?
I know Ravi’s an Indian name, but it’s funny because coincidentally in French it means “extremely happy” and even “so happy people wonder if there isn’t something wrong with your brains” and it just fits that character so well.
Where did you think the term came from :3
Rereading this, I love how everyone is saying how adorable Ravi is. A chapter from now everyone will be cursing at him for being so darn insensitive!
He’s adorannoying.