And here Michelle thought she had a grip on this situation. She wasn’t expecting a demonic Cave of Wonders to be waiting for her.
And here Michelle thought she had a grip on this situation. She wasn’t expecting a demonic Cave of Wonders to be waiting for her.
Understandable Michelle.
I can see a repeat of Jim’s flying lessons from Orientations happening here.
You too?
Meesh doesn’t want to go in and be eaten by demon mouth, It would make for a great story to tell mom though.
I wish her the best.
… still better than a slooooooooooooooooow-rolling magic bubble from ol’ “Strikin’ Bowler” Bloodcarver here, I guess …
Yep… I can already see Bloodcarver sighing, rolling his eyes, and shoving/tossing her in next page. XD
Michelle: You first!
“YOU tell HIM to come OUT.”
“Ugh! It’s perfectly safe to travel via Hellmouth. Only every ten or so get chomped by bored Hellmouths and from the looks of it, this guy has been passed only eight or nine times now. I could go first, but then it’s definitely nine or ten times it’s been passed, so you’ll probably end up getting chomped, as tiny as you are. So hop to it.”
A+ decision there, Meesh. No way that simple “No” will backfire on you
Then how about this? perhaps he will listen to this.
Is there any less creepy portals to Dis?
Um no. the only other way I can think of is chiron’s fairy. So your choice sailing on a boat that delivers the dead to the underworld or a firey mouth that looks like a giant dog.
Chiron’s ferry is a fairy?
It’s this immense, scaled thing with bat wings and a tutu. Eventually somebody suggested a boat would be less stressful to the dead.
I meant ferry dumb autocorrect!
It’s cool. Happens to all of us! Sometimes an opportunity for irresistible gentle humor, though.
Too true.
I can totally sympathise with Michelle not wanting to get in, of course. but also with the Hellmouth who appears to have a pretty rubbish job.
It pays the bills
“demonic Cave of Wonders” Thats a good way to describe a hellmouth.
Don’t touch the lamp, Michelle! You’ve got enough trouble going on at the moment!
Kory please bless us with a higher res. version of that “no” panel
This is not fine. *sips tea*
I think I just heard a snap. Bloodcarver I think you broke Mich again.
Good to see Michelle is sticking with her “I’m not just gonna go along with bullshit” attitude.
“Has anyone brushed it’s teeth?”
“What for? It’s pyrolytic.”
yup… that was the expected reaction.
#1: That is the RIGHT reaction Michelle.
#2: The dragon is going to do a Jim
I spent way too much time reading those last two panels out loud and laughing.
Extra points for the all-claws, fur-raising take in panel 3.
I’m hoping that next week is just Bloodcarver casually picking up Michelle by the scruff of her neck and chucking her inside and strollin’ in behind her.
I hate to say this, but the hellmouth looks kinda like Falcor. Am I alone in seeing that?
If I had a big dragon as my traveling companion, I would totally go for it. Especially if I had my own (albeit untapped) powers. Besides, it looks way cooler than the one on “Buffy.”
It’s better once you imagine the hell mouth is screaming at the top of its lungs as the conversation goes on… or singing a high note
I’d require The Bloodcarver to go first, not so much to prove that it is safe, but to prevent any unexpected attacks on the other side
Those last two panels are priceless! That’s a reaction I think many of us can relate with.