If this mortal plane bans me for hollering at the sphinxes I will face the hellmouth and walk forwards into hell.
“Why is there saliva in your interdimensional portal aaaahhh.”
I love pouting Michelle
Well at least he is taking the lead. Its only fair after all.
He’s just had to explain about other dimensions to her – seems a bit unreasonable of him to expect her to already understand hellmouths.
I wish he’d given an eyeroll along with that sigh.
Also… wellington boots, pls.
Just go back to human to get some shoes back. She was wearing shoes, right?
Nope. Her sandals came off when Bloodcarver grabbed her back at the Avalon.
Oh rip. I doubt sandals would help much anyways.
STILL better to turn human-shape again, unless you want to find out how Clifford reacts to getting his tongue punctured.
(Edit: Of course, there’s *Bloodcarver* walking right in front of her … %-S )
Bloody teeth terrifying
Meesh don’t like Clifford’s tongue-floor
Can’t wait to see what Dis looks like in the next chapter!
blind me thought bloodcraver’s tail was the tongue XD
It’s easy to make such a mistake with the brimstone the Hellmouth is breathing.
Everything is red.
I don’t think The Bloodcarver knows of the comic strip and cartoon series Meesh was referring to
Those are some healthy teeth, all right. Say what you will about Hell, they do have a great dental plan.
“Lisa Needs Braces!”
“… surely there is *some* difference between ‘hell-thy’ and ‘healthy’?
“Well, yes, when the dentist’s all done *there*, you’ll have implants *literally* coming out of your ears!”
‘Death’ should be the LEAST of your concerns right now, Michelle.
Why am I getting the reluctant father feeling from bloodcarver here? Also what is bloody’s actual name anyhow?
It might *be* “The Bloodcarver”. While it sounds like a title the last dragon we saw was literally named Ddraig When or ‘White Dragon’. It might be a societal thing that dragons adopt descriptive names based on themselves or their deeds or things that sound cool to them versus having given names like humans. They never integrated into human society, after all; why expect them to have the same naming conventions that humans do?
Could also be something like Francis, in which case I don’t blame him for introducing himself as The Bloodcarver.
You’re talking to a dragon Mich… If he was going to feed you to anything, I’m pretty sure he’d feed you to himself. XD
Believe me, Michelle, passing through a Hellmouth is better than passing through a Hellass.
It’s why so many people are still in Hell. That’s the only way out.
i was not expecting that, but i’m glad you said that
So instead of Catdog, we have Donkeydog going on here? :D
Meesh got so fluffy when Bloodcarver yelled at her
Notice no claws, though. That’s the “scared” fluffy.
Hope you enjoy your visit to literally literal Hell.
…Well, I hope it at least doesn’t reek of dog breath. That’d just be adding insult to injury.
You just know it does, with a slight hint of brimstone…
Clifford? That was a time ago, I even remember to have a plush toy of Red.. till my mother throwed it in the trash.
I bet the best part of drawing hellmouths as literal giant monster dog mouths is all them TEEF ♥ I know Kory loves herself some cool dentition (and so do I)
I love how her fur is on end in the frame before Bloodcarver enters. It just reminds me of when I had to help my roommate give the cat pills.
“Why is there saliva in your interdimensional portal aaaahhh.”
I love pouting Michelle
Well at least he is taking the lead. Its only fair after all.
He’s just had to explain about other dimensions to her – seems a bit unreasonable of him to expect her to already understand hellmouths.
I wish he’d given an eyeroll along with that sigh.
Also… wellington boots, pls.
Just go back to human to get some shoes back. She was wearing shoes, right?
Nope. Her sandals came off when Bloodcarver grabbed her back at the Avalon.
Oh rip. I doubt sandals would help much anyways.
STILL better to turn human-shape again, unless you want to find out how Clifford reacts to getting his tongue punctured.
(Edit: Of course, there’s *Bloodcarver* walking right in front of her … %-S )
Bloody teeth terrifying
Meesh don’t like Clifford’s tongue-floor
Can’t wait to see what Dis looks like in the next chapter!
blind me thought bloodcraver’s tail was the tongue XD
It’s easy to make such a mistake with the brimstone the Hellmouth is breathing.
Everything is red.
I don’t think The Bloodcarver knows of the comic strip and cartoon series Meesh was referring to
Those are some healthy teeth, all right. Say what you will about Hell, they do have a great dental plan.
“Lisa Needs Braces!”
“… surely there is *some* difference between ‘hell-thy’ and ‘healthy’?
“Well, yes, when the dentist’s all done *there*, you’ll have implants *literally* coming out of your ears!”
‘Death’ should be the LEAST of your concerns right now, Michelle.
Why am I getting the reluctant father feeling from bloodcarver here? Also what is bloody’s actual name anyhow?
It might *be* “The Bloodcarver”. While it sounds like a title the last dragon we saw was literally named Ddraig When or ‘White Dragon’. It might be a societal thing that dragons adopt descriptive names based on themselves or their deeds or things that sound cool to them versus having given names like humans. They never integrated into human society, after all; why expect them to have the same naming conventions that humans do?
Could also be something like Francis, in which case I don’t blame him for introducing himself as The Bloodcarver.
You’re talking to a dragon Mich… If he was going to feed you to anything, I’m pretty sure he’d feed you to himself. XD
Believe me, Michelle, passing through a Hellmouth is better than passing through a Hellass.
It’s why so many people are still in Hell. That’s the only way out.
i was not expecting that, but i’m glad you said that
So instead of Catdog, we have Donkeydog going on here? :D
Meesh got so fluffy when Bloodcarver yelled at her
Notice no claws, though. That’s the “scared” fluffy.
Hope you enjoy your visit to literally literal Hell.
Haha is this a double reference? https://www.deviantart.com/lepas/art/Wilde-Life-Angry-Like-the-Wolf-503947630
Yes but not to that, both comics have actually made a reference to the “Clifford the Big Red Dog” cartoon series.
Wrong Clifford.
…Well, I hope it at least doesn’t reek of dog breath. That’d just be adding insult to injury.
You just know it does, with a slight hint of brimstone…
Clifford? That was a time ago, I even remember to have a plush toy of Red.. till my mother throwed it in the trash.
I bet the best part of drawing hellmouths as literal giant monster dog mouths is all them TEEF ♥ I know Kory loves herself some cool dentition (and so do I)
I love how her fur is on end in the frame before Bloodcarver enters. It just reminds me of when I had to help my roommate give the cat pills.
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.
Or perhaps draggy’s just used to dog breath