Jimmy is always impressed by trickery, even if he’s the victim. He’s still mad, though.
It’s June!! And that means that the Patreon Pin Club is open to new members all month!! Pledge during June and stay on thru August and you’ll get an ELEANOR PIN and a BLOODCARVER pin in the mail! And maybe some stickers?? Who knows, I like to add things into the envelopes sometimes. Anyway, click here to find out more!
Of course…of course a Wonderlander’s name doesn’t conform to traditional naming conventions. Why did I think otherwise?
Not usually how naming things work but very well.
It is once you are 18
Maybe for given names and if you’re in, e.g., Sweden, but otherwise …
Based on her comment about having a family I have the suspicion that she does not have one and lives alone in the wood, thus there was no one to name her.
… “picked” as in “authored it to my liking”, or would there be sort of a tombola drum somewhere in the woods? :-D
I love this idea. Just holding a raffle for names, and you can pick as many as you like. Now I’m just imagining the younger bandersnatches tussling for the right to pick out new names. XD
Yup, Eleanor is the best, this confirms it.
And oooooh, that patreon pin is tempting me…~
So adorable and funny
Does it mean that she is all alone, without anyone to raise her, or give her a name ? That would explain her obsession with family.
I was suddenly thinking that too. She might have a Dark and Troubled Past (Trope Pending). D:
There’s going to be a Troubled Present if Jim’s expressions are anything to go by.
Well, we know that /if/ so, they patch it up at sooooooome point.
Young children bicker repeatedly with a breakup/makeup ratio approaching one, at least until they reach their tween years.
It’s telling that people jump straight to “dark backstory” instead of “big imagination”, but a lonely child would engage in a lot of make-believe.
Whether she’s an abandoned feral child, or just a lonely kid who doesn’t get enough attention from her family, the same sentiment applies.
Now she reminds me of Ed on Cowboy Bebop.
I just noticed that Skin Deep is mentioned on the Bandersnatch’s wiki page, and that’s pretty awesome!!
Also, I love these dorks.
How old is Elenore here? Is she closer to Jim’s age or Rupert’s?
I like Eleanor
The Frumious Bandersnatch.
She’s adorable.
All covered in fur.
Bears the name she gave herself.
Lives in the forest.
Small cuddly monster.
She just wants friends to play with.
Also she breathes flames.
i know that “picked it myself” probably means some tragic backstory, but all i can think of is: shes trans