Michelle was kind of getting used to anything Vera says, but she’s nervous again.
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I have to wonder what kind of disguises she’s thinking about, and where they’re stashed
[compares Bloodcarver and Vera]
… scales, yellow eyes … wouldn’t want to rule out that some demons have wings, too … looks like dragons are just missing hair, so, a fake ‘stache for Blood?
[Vera starts fidgeting, trying to hide her braid]
surely minutes before arriving with no way back is the best way to explain a major difficulty, it is not like they spent hours in low surveillance and relatively low stress (but high annoyance) places in the recent past, did they ?
I hope for thier sake that Vera is good with disguises.
Wait already?
Oh boy, Michelle can’t really do medallion magic yet, can she?
How would she, though? She currently has no access to the Phoenix Egg.
Well, if sphinxes shares their magic amongst themselves, and Michelle is the last one, and she recently inherited all their magic, and back then it only took two sphinxes with a phoenix egg to make medallions, it’s not outside the realm of possibility.
But still, know events and having the magic is not the same as either having the knowledge to make them, the ability to make them, or the wisdom if making them would be a good idea.
Which begs the question, then – what kept them from using an entire community of Sphynx to infuse the medallion blanks, if it was just a question of magic pool.
Vera, no matter how much you try, draping a cloth over Bloodcarver and trying to convince the other demons that “no, he is NOT a dragon, he’s three demons in a trenchcoat…” is NOT going to work.
And you just have to get Michelle PO’d at you again. Scare any demon…
“This is Dis, guys. We need disguise!”
[Count Olaf voice] “Did NO ONE bring the costumes??”
Well, Michelle doesn’t look like a Sphinx right now, unless there’s wanted posters out with her human face. I think you’re out of luck with the dragon, unless you plan on disguising him as a parade float.
….Possibly the dragon could be disguised as a hellmouth? Or as a three headed dog, if they could Zaphod Beeblebrox him some more heads…. But yeah, Michelle looks like a human to me.
Hellmouths are apparently sessile?
Is that a subtle WWDITS reference I spy? :3
So you’re saying dead sphinxes are a less rare sight then? :D
Oh valla