Happy Halloween! I had a great birthday weekend and now I’m ready to get back to work! I hope you’re enjoying these pages, I’m having a hoot drawing them!
Happy Halloween! I had a great birthday weekend and now I’m ready to get back to work! I hope you’re enjoying these pages, I’m having a hoot drawing them!
I can see this plan not working
No worries! This plan will fail successfully!
Oh it won’t be that bad at all.
It’ll perhaps fail *spectacularly*! :)
That’s because of unspoken plan guarantee. If we’re shown the plan, it means that what happens next is going to deviate from the plan. It would be boring to tell and then show us the same thing, so if the plan works, the story skips telling us the plan. Since they went over the plan, they’ll be lucky to be out of Hell before xmas.
The best subversion of “they told us the plan, it has to go wrong” was in Firefly. Stop reading here for spoiler. They show how well thought-out the plan was and the gatekeeper was so unsuspicious that they could have bluffed their way through.
No battle plan survives contact with the enemy. Or something, considering that we’re not sure an enemy didn’t make the plan.
… does anyone else have a sudden need to see what Dis’ version of Christmas festivities look like?
[expects lots of interesting versions of Krampus]
It’s probably pretty dismal.
I mean, if they are looking to backstab Michelle and biggest best boy they are really going though a convoluted way of doing so.
That said, they are still a bit of a jerk all the same, here’s hoping it works!
I feel like this is going to be a case of incompetence rather than malice. But I cannot see things going according to plan. A dragon moving through a city without touching anyone just seems like an impossibly tall order.
The streets will certainly need to be extremely sparsely trafficked for that to work. Of course, that might be the case, it being a Hell city and all – people (or whatever the inhabitants are) might stay indoor as much as possible to evade the big, bad demons.
This can only end well. I’m sure of it. *nodditynodditynoddynod*
Kind of like the opposite of the American trick-or-treat tradition here. They’re costuming up to not be seen, instead of to be seen. Also, I would have put Michelle on the dragons back for this one….
“In this picture there are forty seven people. None of them can be seen. In this film we hope to show you How Not To Be Seen.” *explosions*
I wonder how Vera plans to get access to the Hellmouth once they reach it. Surely traffic isn’t unrestricted.
I’ll be honest, ever since I met this demon, she has /reeked/ of betrayal.
“dont let anyone touch you” she says to the giant dragon, heres hoping they have really big roads
Yet, she did not tell him not to let anything touch him … hmmmm …
If *that* was a problem, he couldn’t touch the ground
How will they not immediately get spotted by the sheer amount of magic radiating off these two?
“Plausible explanation for sudden boss aura passing by” is Veras job.
And she’s going to bask in her sudden street cred.
Let’s hope they won’t meet anyone who knows her …
That glamor is going to shatter like an inherited medallion spell.
Michelle here looks alarmingly similar to the shade of her father from the very beginning of the comic.
Anyone else wondering what guards are missing the fact a dragon just disappeared approaching the city?