Welcome to the outskirts of the city of Dis, home of the 6th Circle. Seems like a nice place! Especially all the flaming tombs. Cozy.
Welcome to the outskirts of the city of Dis, home of the 6th Circle. Seems like a nice place! Especially all the flaming tombs. Cozy.
Welcome to civilization! It’s… a bit of a pile, really. That brimstone smell of a fully lived-in apocalypse really opens up the sinuses. Don’t worry though, we have skydiving off the edge of the ring! You might be asking where the hangliders are! Haha!
They aren’t.
Why do I have a very, very bad feeling?
So my favorite painting in all the world (which is a big take for an art historian) is The Garden of Earthly Delights so the 3rd panel has prepared me for this.
So everything really is on fire all of the time then?
Oh! Are those some draconic shades I see?
Oh, the “everything is on fire” is a feature and not something to be concerned about. I was worried about that for a bit.
Hey, they assure you, this is fine.
I’ll just go over here with the rest of the fire.
Just a casual inferno
Dis is in rough shape. Looks like a political cartoon of Detroit.
Fun Time In Cleveland Today!
At least we’re not DETROIT! WE’RE NOT DETROIT!
On the bright side, I’m sure it could be worse.
But the cute, tiny, pterosaur-looking person….
From the look on the demon’s face, she wasn’t expecting this part of Dis to be in flames.
When you’re in Hades and the demon escorting you becomes agitated by what she sees, BE AFRAID.
I take it that she’s looking at the paths the other demons are taking, to minimize the chances of someone accidentally bumping into Bloodcarver.
A simple bump may expose them.
Oh, are some of Dis’ inhabitants able to fly after all?
The demons, yes.
For the dragons, no, since their magical strength is being sapped as part of their payment for staying where they are. No magic, no fly.
Pull up a cairn, sit by the fire for a spell…
What this reminds me of is the pictures of Cheshire back in the salt mining days, with randomly collapsing sheer-sided sinkholes, black coal smoke and burning and ashes, and everyone trapped together in tenements, the air thick with smoke and sharp with salt and caustic substances.