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Obverse & Reverse Chapter 7 Page 54

Obverse & Reverse Chapter 7 Page 54 published on 22 Comments on Obverse & Reverse Chapter 7 Page 54

Two announcements!

One: I will be at FURTHER CONFUSION this weekend! Table 8! First convention of the year! Come and say hello!

Two: Because of illness last weekend, I did not get the next page of Skin Deep done in time before I leave for the convention, so NEXT WEEK there will be NO COMIC. I’m so sorry! I tried really hard to get it done so there wouldn’t be a break in updates, but it just didn’t work out this time!

See y’all on Jan 24th!


I can’t tell, in the fourth panel is that a bruise or is Vera crying green?

I really hope Bloodcarver is only slightly-visible for graphical and not narrative purposes!

Remember that Vera’s the one maintaining the conduit between Michelle’s raw energy and Bloodcarver’s invisibility spell. You try keeping focused on something while getting what she got just now. I’m sure he’ll fade once Vera pulls herself together and refocuses, question is if he doesn’t get caught before she can.

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