Two announcements!
One: I will be at FURTHER CONFUSION this weekend! Table 8! First convention of the year! Come and say hello!
Two: Because of illness last weekend, I did not get the next page of Skin Deep done in time before I leave for the convention, so NEXT WEEK there will be NO COMIC. I’m so sorry! I tried really hard to get it done so there wouldn’t be a break in updates, but it just didn’t work out this time!
See y’all on Jan 24th!
I guess that its probobly best that they will focus on getting out first. But if those demon monkeys follow them then blood better turn them to a pool of ketchup.
I can’t tell, in the fourth panel is that a bruise or is Vera crying green?
Looks like a bruise to me. You can see similar green tinted patches on her arms in all four of the close-up panels, as well as one on her abdomen and one on the back of her ear visible only in the first panel.
Crying green? Not present in second panel.
It might be a normal tear running over a green-tinged bruise.
I really hope Bloodcarver is only slightly-visible for graphical and not narrative purposes!
First to remind you he’s there.
Second because his veil is paper-thin. And I mean school notepad thin, not heavy duty cardstock. So just reminding us that they’re risking being found out if anyone looks close.
Yeah, he was just a dot outline up until page 48 just as the grim brothers entered the picture, but after they start putting the beating on Vera Bloodcarver started showing some color. I have a feeling it’s the latter :(
Remember that Vera’s the one maintaining the conduit between Michelle’s raw energy and Bloodcarver’s invisibility spell. You try keeping focused on something while getting what she got just now. I’m sure he’ll fade once Vera pulls herself together and refocuses, question is if he doesn’t get caught before she can.
Take your time, get better and have fun in the event!
See you on 24th
Vera has a bit of an ego, but at least everyone is on the same side with this. Best to GTFO.
See you at FC! I’ll def say hi at your table!
Anyhoo. This is Vera at her most relatable. Even if she’s being prickly there? I get it.
Vera spent all her life in Hades. Admitting weakness is a /very big/ mistake.
Vera is not used to sympathy, having lived in this place all her life.
Yikes. No wonder she wants to get out of this place.
I’m itching to see how this all goes! Easily my favorite comic since I’ve found it! Have the best of fun at the con and I’ll try not to explode with an overabundance of anticipation waiting for your return! ^..~
So now that we’re in Hell, I’m curious where the OTHER hellmouth entrance was that got killed in Dogpatch.
Kory, hon, if you need to take some time to work on getting your buffer back up, please take it. You deserve to have time to relax and recover as well as make amazing comics and attend fun/exhausting conventions.
I love the two fingers pointing at each other gesture. I’ve never used it myself, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone use it outside comics, but it’s very sweet.
I hope the convention went well! Roll on the 24th!
If anything should give you reason to believe you can trust them a scene like that should, they’ve every incentive to support you as you’re their best chance to escape literal Hell and have a better life as even a mediocre life on Earth is heaven in comparison.
I hope Vera adapts well to the mortal realm once she gets there. Unless Michelle can make medallions for demons, she’s going to have to find an Avalon to live in, and that might be a chore in itself.
Hey Kory!
Just found this animated short and it made me think of your work! I think you might enjoy it :