You can really see the Horsey Bits on Ike when he’s in fullform. This is another reason why he hates being in fullform.
Does Nixie-Spit affect shape-shifters at all?
He has a pretty singular look out of his blend of qualities, equine, marine & leonine. Nothing wrong in mixing up, look at griffons, hipoggryphs, chimeras and manticores themselves, with bits from eagles, goats, horses, lions, serpents, scorpions…oh my.
Damn shame Ike is so insecure about his singularity, but i guess his mother is partly to blame. Hope his girlfriend manages to get him to better accept himself one day.
I wonder if there’s anyone who just hides out by using the nixie spit 24/7, just living underwater to avoid the human world?
Wasn’t there something about Nixie spite having negative effects if used repeatedly or for prolonged periods of time?
Never heard of anything like that in the strips or the Wiki.
Maybe it came up in the SkinDeep RPG, and that’s where you remember it from?
You know it would be funny if in the comic Ravi would say ” The force jim, use the force.” And then Jim would say ” WHAT ARE YOU BLEEDING TALKING ABOUT!!!!????”
It would be interesting to see what Ravi thinks of human pop culture.
Are the magical abilities of nixie spit unique to nixies alone? Do nokks (basically male nixies, right?) have the ability too?
Certainly. Although in that case, it’s not “nixie spit” it’s “nokk loogies.”
Does Nixie-Spit affect shape-shifters at all?
He has a pretty singular look out of his blend of qualities, equine, marine & leonine. Nothing wrong in mixing up, look at griffons, hipoggryphs, chimeras and manticores themselves, with bits from eagles, goats, horses, lions, serpents, scorpions…oh my.
Damn shame Ike is so insecure about his singularity, but i guess his mother is partly to blame. Hope his girlfriend manages to get him to better accept himself one day.
I wonder if there’s anyone who just hides out by using the nixie spit 24/7, just living underwater to avoid the human world?
Wasn’t there something about Nixie spite having negative effects if used repeatedly or for prolonged periods of time?
Never heard of anything like that in the strips or the Wiki.
Maybe it came up in the SkinDeep RPG, and that’s where you remember it from?
You know it would be funny if in the comic Ravi would say ” The force jim, use the force.” And then Jim would say ” WHAT ARE YOU BLEEDING TALKING ABOUT!!!!????”
It would be interesting to see what Ravi thinks of human pop culture.
Are the magical abilities of nixie spit unique to nixies alone? Do nokks (basically male nixies, right?) have the ability too?
Certainly. Although in that case, it’s not “nixie spit” it’s “nokk loogies.”