Hello everyone! Welcome to the 2023 Reader Questions! If you have a question you’d like me to answer while we’re on hiatus, ask them here! If you’re a Patron, you should ask your questions over here on Patreon, as I will look at them first before reading any questions here.
I might not answer every question! I go with ones that I think will be fun to answer with a sketch and won’t spoil anything in the comic, so if you ask something complicated or for any big spoilers, I will not be answering those! I also won’t answer questions that I simply do not have an answer for. I will try to answer as many as I can! Thanks! And see you every weekday starting Monday, July 17th, for a new reader question!
How is Vera planning to blend in? … Is she planning to blend in at ALL? :P
You’d be surprised what’s possible [link] …
Ahaha, hello there, fellow DMFA fan! X3
[Dimanika handwave] ;-)
She said she was going to make a ruckus. I can imagine her wearing a sandwich board that reads YOUR PICTURE WITH A DEMON FROM HELL £ 10 and hexing any camera anyone tries to use without paying. She would give interviews and freely admit that her plan is to become a celebrity.
How would the main 4 look with a species swap?
Where did Vera get the hot pants?
What kind of clothing and architecture did the various species of nonhumans use before they started blending in with humans in the Middle Ages?
If a gryphon was part bat, would it take the avian slot due to having wings, or would it still take the mammal slot? Basically, would we have biblically accurate bat-cow or double the wings?
Would going from digitigrade to plantigrade cause some people to stumble?
What would an Eevee look like if it had one of them medallions?
Vera’s hairstyle is super cool, but is she going change it up now that’s she’s out? Or if that’s too spoilery, has she tried different looks in the past?
Are the Hellmouths sentient or even conscious? If so, how do they feel about their situation? And, are the two ends of a hellmouth the same entity?
Somewhat answered!
What religions are present in the Liverpool avalon? We’ve seen a Hestia shrine, is polytheism common? Or are the griffins in question *very* old fashioned?
Your question brings to mind the filk version of “Old Time Religion”.
What was the creative process behind Vera’s design like? Anything to share about why she looks the way she does, or why she dresses like that?
Races that never got medallions are discriminated against, but how does mythic society treat individuals who somehow permanently lost/destroyed their own medallions? If say a griffin misplaced their medallion, would they be treated the same as a “monster” or would they be offered any extra help in life?
Given that medallions are in limited supply (while I’d expect the mythical underground to have grown in parallel to the human population they’re hiding amongst), what about those who could never afford themselves one in the first place … ?
You’ve established that the sphynx power wellspring is shared among all existing sphynxes, and since Michelle is the only surviving one currently she has access to it all. Is it endlessly refreshing from somewhere? Is it growing or staying constant? And, how much power are we talking about? Levelling a city kaiju-style big, or the Chicxulub asteroid (killed all the dinosaurs) extinction event big?
Are there any ferret-based mythics?
Does capsaicin affect Gryphons or other avian mythicals?
It definitely doesn’t work on ouzelum birds.
The author’s comment under this RQ seems to suggest that it doesn’t affect most, if not all, avians, but very much gryphons …
Are their any mechanical cryptids? Either machines themselves, or with mechanic powers?
I always assumed Jim was inspired somewhat by former The Teardrop Explodes frontman-turned-standing-stones-guru Julian Cope, due to 1) Liverpool 2) posh 3) little bit of a prat at times 4) very tall 5) flowing locks 6) long and documented history of questionable fashion choices. Could we have confirmation on this, or is it all just a big coincidence and Jim is more of an Echo and the Bunnymen fan?
The LA – the outer warehouse shell, to be precise – has a roof that lets material objects pass; Birds in particular, but I suppose that the rain’s welcome to the agriculture within, too.
Are the LAers worried about someone lighting a fire that sends smoke up through it? Or how about a kid letting a balloon escape?
Is there someone adding illusory snow atop the illusory roof when appropriate? :-)
Thinking of summer expos… Will you be at SPX in Bethesda this September? I started reading your comics after meeting you there! It would be awesome to see you there again. :-)
I sadly did not get in to SPX this year! Hopefully next year!
How do tattoos and body mods work in the world of skin deep? I know we’ve seen characters with piercings and ink, but the application of them would be interesting to explore, especially how it translates from full form to mid form to human form!
Not exactly an answer to your question, but:
I just learned that there was an early Britpop band in Liverpool called the LA’s. After recording their one hit “There She Goes” and a few other songs, they basically vanished. What might their backstory be?
Please, for the interwebs.
You mean, the other one? :-3
Are there any sea monsters with medallions? How common are sea monsters in general? Are Trolvals, Múshveli, and Ziphius’s (Ziphiui?) real, or just reactions to whales by people who’d never seen a whale?
How to people keep the smaller non-sentient mythics from getting loose and found-out in the world at large? Vermin in particular sound like they’re be an absolute nightmare. Do you have special trappers to keep thing like Rat-Kings, Pidgeon/Mouse Griffs, or Woppletingers underwraps?
It wouldn’t be a complete round of reader questions if we didn’t have a baby question, so…
Can we see Baby Vera and Dis Pater?
Bold of you to assume that Dis Pater already existed back when Vera was a toddler … ;-)
Is there a reason that medallions only turn things into humans or could a sphinx make a medallion that could turn any species into any other?
Here’s one for Jim, why are you so fluffy?
I get the impression that bugbear radar can identify a Turned mytholo, even in full-human disguise, but can’t distinguish someone who’s Unturned from a regular human. Am I right?
Some of the dialog on page 9 of Illuminations ch3 suggested (to me, at least) that nixies were another “monster” species that Jocasta was adding to her customer list. Madame U established back in Exchanges that nixies and nokks have distinct medallions (although they’re female and male of the same species) and that nokks become mindless sapient-eaters in their old age. Was Jocasta breaking the rules good and hard again?
the lack of “Werewolves” in Skin Deep, and adamant refusal to include them, is amusing to me because “Person who turns into a Wolf” has existed and been believed in since ancient Greece across multiple cultures that have had interactions with wolves or sighted wolves, yet the only “People who turn into something-like-a-wolf” are, to my knowledge, Totems and Chechen Wolves.
While I understand the desire to avoid “popular” mythical species, there is more history to them than Modern Pop-culture would ever care to display, and from that history more interesting interpretations could be drawn.
Overly Sarcastic Productions made a video on YouTube that, at this point, I feel like I’m just parroting
Suppose that medallions start to get made again in the modern age, would it be possible to have some metal, polymer, or non-toxic composite material be embedded with medallion magic and then implanted under the skin or attached to the bone so the user doesn’t have to worry about it becoming lost or easily damaged? Or would it not work like that?
Transferring it to the next generation might be a bit of a pain …
Hah! Literally. But at the same time, if it’s small and just under the skin, it shouldn’t be too hard to remove, sterilize, and reimplant into the successor’s skin…
Borogrove players, In regular play or tournaments?, do you ever carry your score with you from game to game, or do you start fresh every time?
Are wulvers real in skindeep lore?
Adjacent to the conversation about werewolves:
Are there any mythical creatures that are or were capable of transforming regular humans through ‘infectious’ means, in a way similar to a werewolf bite? Or would any such cases be similar to what happened to Anthony, with a spell breaking through incidental contact with a highly magical creature?
I have two questions.
What would happen if someone tried to sincerely flirt with Madam U. Assuming there is an daring fellow out there that is attracted to her.
And how ticklish is a Frumious Bandersnatch kiss. That mustache seems useful for unexpected tickle attacks.
if ike hates being a manticore/hybrid so much, why does he spend most of his time in midform instead of full human? (i think it’s very good, just curious)
Huh. I never thought of that. That’s actually really interesting. Now I want to know, too.
I think it was established at some point that Ike only has middling control over his shapechanging abilities (being a hybrid and all); or that going full human takes a lot of effort to maintain. But don’t quote me on that, I may be mistaken.
Is it possible that the Jersey Devil is just a as yet unknown or possibly as yet unknown mystic being? Or, now that I’m thinking about it, they could be hybrid of some type that dabbled around with various magics in trying to create a new form but, conflicting magic produced a backlash result?
Also, would Eleanore like to roll around in soft grass and wildflowers before settling down for a picnic?
Hiya! I was wondering if we’ve seen any phoenixes in the comic so far? And if not, what would they look like (assuming they even exist)
Are there any little nuggets of world-building that you haven’t shared in the comic but that you think are interesting?
Magistream logic :D
Are there trolls or ogres?
I know that stories of Paul Bunyan started in lumber camps in the 19th century and where collected and embellished and printed by an advertising company in the 1920s or 30s.
But were the original stories based on an actual giant or magically enhanced human or mythical creature?
Oh! Also, are there yuki-onna or tengu in the Skin Deep universe? Thanks for making this comic, by the way – it’s so much fun!
Tengu was one of the possibilities that Madame U considered and dismissed when she was asked what Anthony might be tuning into other than a harpy (Exchanges: Heartaches: pg 6). So, they apparently exist in the Skin Deep universe.
Do any Skin Deep species have particularly interesting ‘origin’ stories (either real, or myths handed down through the generations)?
Ok, a question from this paleontologist!
The favorite dinosaurs, pterosaurs, marine reptiles, or other extinct paleo-related animals for all / most characters
Are any of the feline species affected by certain members of the mint family? (I’ve known some cats to prefer menthol over catnip.)
Metheglin is mead (honey wine) that had herbs & spices steeped in it during fermentation. It would be easy to make it “minty”.
To Doctor Hobbes: Have you got any interesting stories from working as the avalon’s Doctor?
I may have thought of another one ROFL – But it’s understandable if you don’t get to it, or it’s limited to one per person!
What would Paul look like if he’d inherited the Finn Blurse?
1) We know that when a mythic has a medallion and has a child with a human, the child inherits a form of the medallion’s cloaking magic and will appear human until they get a medallion of their own. Does this “cloning” of the medallion spell put strain on the original/parent medallion? Can its magic wear out if it is used too much in this way?
2) Have there been any other spontaneous turnings (such as what happened to Tony and Michelle) from contact with a previously unknown medallion–such as in an antique, pawn shop, or flea market? And if/when this happens, are there representatives from the mythic community whose job is to find and help them?
3) We know the Elders of the Avalon(s) take an active role in preserving the secrecy of the mythical community, but do they have networks to assist with that? Do the different avalons work together or stay in communication to help in this endeavor? Or is every avalon an island and only worries about its own local issues
4) Do totems only represent wild animals, or can domestic animals have them too? If there is a lot of variation within the species, such as with domestic dogs or cats, is there a similar level of variation within the totems representing them?
5) Are there many, or any, strictly human-looking mythicals? They look and behave like a normal human, but they’re actually a descendent of a mythic hero (such as Beowulf) or a mythic god (such as Zeus or Ra), and may or may not have magical powers related to their powerful ancestor.
6) Do mythic gods still exist in the modern era, and if so, what are they doing with themselves these days?
So follow-up to the tabloid; are there any magical folk who work at tabloids or newspapers just to fuck with people, and/or help keep other things under wraps?
Are all Nemean Lions born unturned?
In the Reader Questions from January & February 2012, check out #6 & #25.
What would Tobias look like as a maned griffon? Would his brothers tease him any less if he was one, or would they (most likely) pick on him for something else? (love the comic btw!)
The Haast’s Eagle existed and is sadly extinct, but do you think it could still exist somewhere in the Skin Deep universe? Even if its in gryphon form?
What would a Cassowary Griffin look like? What mammal would you combine with it? And just how much of a nightmare would it be?
Check out #18 in this set of RQs.
Are there any families/friend groups that enjoy a simple cuddle-up?
The prehistoric griffins have me thinking about prehistoric totems, like mammoths or ground sloth totems :0
The mammoths seem more likely, since they were revered enough to be painted on numerous cave walls. (Kory hasn’t said so, but I’m guessing that’s a factor.)
I’m apparently on a roll with these!
Abby, how excited are you by the prospect of new medallions, and that harpies may get medallions?
If Anthony never touched a medallion and found out the whole Harpy thing, would he have ever come back to the Avalon? Would he and Blanche still be friends? How common is it for mythicals to lose human friends after identity reveals gone wrong?
Other than Stanley are there any other possible Dinosaurs or prehistoric Mammals around?
We’ve seen a ouzelum griffon, could we see some ouzelum harpies?
I wonder what a bear sphinx would look like instead of the typical lion. There’s so many griffin varieties, now I kinda think about if there was different sphinx varieties!
I wonder what would happen if we had a Griffon with odd proportions. A normal sized Cassowary front body, but a much smaller Lemur rear body, kinda like that Star Wars alien from TPM.
I’m gonna jump on the “what-if gryphon” bandwagon here too. Can mythicals be bases for gryphons? For example, a fruminous bandersnatch and a jub jub bird?
Do the kasogonagá exist as a sort of South American spirit guide in Skin Deep?
When will the comic return?
Can Bloodcarver please have a nice, relaxing nap? I worry about him :(
I’d love to see a Puffin Ferret gryphin
Are folks in Avalons/mystical communities more likely to be religious (of any variety)? I am just curious whether things like magic make folks more likely to believe in general religious things or whether most folks in the communities just look at magic the way that some random human in a city looks at technology.
Are Bloodcarver’s whiskers (tendrils? antennae?) prehensile? Can he carry things with them?
Really sad question, but the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is set to be officially declared extinct in the wild later this year. Are we going to see the results of this if/when we go back to that village with the other totems?
Ol’ Ivory’s existence is contingent on the ivory-billed woodpecker still existing. Who cares if humans say it’s extinct? If Ol’ Ivory is still standing, then the species yet remains.
More pertinent to the comic, Skin Deep takes place in 2005, so that won’t be happening in the timeline.
Now that we have seen a cactus cat, are there any other critters from the Fearsome Creatures of the Lumberwoods running around the Skin Deep World? I imagine hide-behinds are probably bug bears at least!
How much can immortal beings like Ravi remember? What’s his earliest memory?
I never thought I would be asking about weird griffins like everyone else but…. Shoebill griffin?
If a nonhuman is using a pendant to wear a human disguise, can they eat anything a human can? For example, could a fu dog eat chocolate, despite being a dog? If not, does this apply to children born in human form and kept human only by the inherited enchantment?
Would an owl/goat gryphon be a Hootenanny?
Okay but what about a mashup of the four national animals of the UK, though? So the Scottish unicorn, English lion, Welsh dragon and Northern Irish elk. Just for fun.
As a wife concerned about the welfare of another wife, may I ask how Mrs. Bloodcarver is doing? Were Bloodcarver my hubby, and having these [mis]adventures, I would be wringing my talons in worry all day.
As conventions are starting to be a mainstream thing irl, how do the elders of the council Avalons across the world think of the young folk going to Furry Cons in their mid forms?
If any one here has ever watched the anime “Spy X Family” (set in the fictional nation of Ostalis, which bears a purely coincidental resemblance to East Germany), you may have noticed the stuffy toy that Anya, the child of the “family”, has had since she was first found in a dodgy orphanage. It’s a manticore (the winged version). Just what every child needs!
So we know that there’s someone claiming to be a phoenix, but do phoenixes exist? If so, what do they look like? Are there western and eastern phoenixes?
Would a lefty sidewinder naga and a righty sidewinder naga argue about what’s the proper way to move, or would they not bother?
Is it possible for newly mythologized species to pop into existence, or has magic receded in technological times so that no longer happens? For example, could some kind of totemic being appear if enough people are focused on some idea/concept?
Since hypothetical griffin combos need only an avian + a mammal, could you show us a seagull/dolphin griffin?
Would a lefty sidewinder naga and a righty sidewinder naga argue about what’s the proper way to move, or would they not bother?
I’m curious as to what a fox-falcon gryphon looks like
1. I would love to see a Painted Bunting totem.
2. It seems like totems who’s animals are going extinct become older/sick. Do totems who’s animals are being saved from extinction (i.e. California Condor) become younger and healthier?
Any kingdom hearts fans among the cast? Which Disney or Final Fantasy character(s) would they like to go on world hopping adventures with?
For Bloodcarver,
When things calm down a fair bit for you and should Michelle be able to craft you a totem, and I’ve little reason to doubt that she would be able to given more historical memories dawning upon her. Please, take time to just sit in the sun, have a candy bar but not too many, we don’t know if you have a peanut allergy. It just wouldn’t do at all for you to get sick that way.
After that, would you want to fly on a plane? Ride on a train? Or a car? Something where you are not the main mode of power to get it to move? I have a feeling that something would be quite fun for you seeing that you may be the very first dragon to get airborne without needing to use your own wings or flung from something larger.
When you say totem, I assume you mean medallion. Totem has a very different meaning in SD, and a talisman is something else again.
We’ve seen ‘Carver riding in a small boat moving very slowly across a swampy river. Riding in a faster, powered vehicle may be “quite fun” for him, or it may be traumatically disorienting (a likely response to riding in an airliner).
I just flashed on an image of a group of mythicals going skydiving without (using) parachutes…
Could we see a fossa totem? Do they hang upside down by their hind feet as totems, too??
What would a cross fox totem look like?
How is Anthony doing? Does he need a hug, has he patched it up with his mum?
Are there any other famous/popular people from history (or other media) that were secretly medallion’d folks in disguise?
Are there any Mushussus still around? did they count as dragons or weird reptilian gryphons?
Are all the flying species laying eggs? Gryphons are hatched, will a Peryton hatch an egg or have a live birth?
Will the next chapter be released this spring?
As soon as I can! Hopefully this spring! I wanted it to be started already, but life happens, unfortunately.
How much difference is there between totem animals and heraldic animals of the same kind?
I’m not sure if you’re taking comments from here atm, but I was curious in general– so common gryphons seem to grow their ear tufties later in life? Is there an awkward puberty stage for them? Will Tobias have tufties?
(Now this is in its proper place!)
Can broken/malfunctioning medallions be repaired by a sphinx?
As a Furry, I still wonder how the residents and council members of the Avalons around the world think of Furry conventions? and have been any ‘questionable’ events plan for the said conventions?
(Didn’t know you needed to ask these questions on a blog, whoops.)
What are some well-known metropolises across the world of Skin Deep? Any Avalons on the level of LA, Paris, any massive city like that?
When I was recently re-reading “Illuminations”, it occurred to me that more medallions might occasionally be found in the hoards of dragons who had attacked the sphinx medallion smithies. It might even be a credible explanation for Madame U to be offering “New Antique” [similar to New In Box] medallions for sale.