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So are there any minotaur legend creatures out there? Or were they all hunted to extinction? And if there are minotaurs are they easy going, or hot headed, or are they like everyone else in the skindeepverse. Also would minotaurs be considered monsters in the skindeepverse?

Orphaned (or maybe even abandoned, if one accounts ffor the elder Lyon’s tone) kids finding out on their own as they grow up, with no suportive relatives close by, they are monsters and to boot then dealing with prejudice toward nemeans when they join Avalon’s community. Wow, feeling sorry for them, really.

Well, that raises even more questions, the answers to which may or may not turn out to be important to the plots. We shall have to wait and see if the gaps get filled or the Lyons get a full origin story… hang on, is Lorne shaking his head and mouthing “no” and “please”…? *ahem* I mean- I’m sure you did, Jon – you look like the responsible one of the pair. >:=)>

Were the Lyon brothers aware of the mythic community before they met the Finns? Did the Finns introduce them to the mythic world? Or were they born into their heritage and their parents died/ditched them? Do they live in the Avalon?

What is the Avalon’s permanent population? One would think that with such limited space housing would be extremely expensive. Does the Liverpool Avalon extend into surrounding warehouses in addition to the main one?

I have the feeling that their parents did not take well to Lorne being bisexual and his first boyfriend was Jim with his green long hair. And John being the protective older brother disowned his parents when they disowned Lorne.

Don’t think so. John says he ‘raised both of them’– in other words, they were both pretty young when their parents were taken out of the picture. The implication seems to be that they were orphaned or abandoned before Lorne at least had a chance to meet them, otherwise they would have said “they died when we were little” or “they left” or “we don’t like to talk about it”. To outright say ‘we don’t have parents’ means they were never a real part of their lives.

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